Day 1- Blood(Yandere Kraangified Raph x Reader)

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CW: Blood, major character death, Vomit, kraangified Raph, major injuries, yandere themes, dark themes

You watch your boyfriend rub at his eye again, the sclera red and irritated. Concern is evident in your features, making your usually soft expression pinched. Raph meets your gaze and his hand falls, his right eye twitching as he clearly aches to keep rubbing it.

"It's still bugging you." You remark softly, your face set in discomfort. Seeing him like this sends worry flooding through you. You knew it was hard for him, especially after the threat of the apocalypse. But seeing him still mess with his eye, the same one that had been the entrance to Raph's mind? It was incredibly distressing, to say the least.

Raph nods at your words, his eye blinking in rapid succession as he attempts to flush out the pain. You sigh, moving closer and pulling his face down so you can take a look at it. It was veiny, the cornea starting to change from the comforting black to a dark pink. You grimace, rubbing your thumb under his socket. "Do you want to go have Leo and Donnie look at it again?"

"It's late." Raph mumbles, nuzzling his cheek into your hand. "Raph can wait until morning. It's just a bit itchy, doesn't even hurt much."

You sigh, nodding as you lean your forehead against him. Your thumbs rubbed his cheeks, trying to soothe his nerves and keep him calm. Knowing he was even in the slightest pain broke your heart, but you knew he would be okay. "Okay. Just promise to get it checked by them soon. I don't want you to lose an eye, you hear?"

Raph nods before scooping you up in his arms and carrying you to his bed, peppering your face in soft kisses on the way. You chuckle at his affection, leaning into his arms. He was your knight and your protector, the strength that held his family together. While the possibly infected eye was concerning, it was Raph. He would tell you if something was wrong. He was fine. He always was.

Raph situates you on the bed first before curling around you, making sure to keep his spikes and weight off of you lest you get hurt. You cuddle into your boyfriend, kissing his nose as he reaches above you to turn off the lights. The room is plunged into darkness, the weight of your boyfriend's head pinning you down as his arms wrap around you. Feeling his heart beating against your chest was comforting, grounding you and lulling you to a peaceful sleep.

The night moves on, the air still and quiet. You're lulled awake to the feeling of a wet substance on your arm and chest, your face scrunching up in disgust as you realize Raph had managed to drool all over your chest and arms. You shift under his weight, trying to escape his tight grasp so you could move away and hopefully wash off without him realizing. The world seems to be against you however, as the moment you shift a low grumble erupts from your boyfriend's throat, sounding almost like a deep growl.

Your face pinches in slight concern, your hand moving to his head in hopes to soothe him a tad. Your hand glides smoothly over his thick, leathery and scaled head, his grumbling turning to a soft breathing. Your hand halts the soft rubbing when you hit a patch of what feels like fleshy slime, your hand sinking into the gooey surface and being encased by it. You pull back, disgust and confusion pinching your features while you desperately try to peer through the darkness to see what you just touched. Your quick retreat seems to have alerted Raph, his head lifting up and his eyes meeting yours. His glowing, mismatched, pink and yellow eyes.

A chill runs down your spine and you gasp, your eyes focused on him and the soft glow from his eyes makes the fleshy goo protruding from his socket more visible. Another growl leaves his throat as you tense up, his body shifting to hover over you. You try to pull away, to push him back and slip away, but he doesn't budge. A small cry leaves your throat, panic rising in your chest as he shifts further onto you, his eyes holding a dark look. It was terrifying, seeing your boyfriend reduced to this state once more. Once was enough, but it happened again. You want to sob, to rub your hands over him and wash the Kraang parasite away, but you knew it wouldn't work. You couldn't even tell how far gone he was, with the Kraang being gone and all.

TMNT Horrortober(31 Yandere TMNT x Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now