Day 27- Restraint(2012 Yandere Donatello x Reader)

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CW: OOC Donnie, blood, gore, stalking, obsessive behavior, death, dark themes, yandere themes, unedited.

The rough stone of the rooftops bite into Donnie's feet, his mind clouded with thoughts of you. He was grateful Leo had them all split up while looking for the fallen mutagen, his scanners beeping keeping him distracted enough from the thoughts swirling in his head. You were out there somewhere, away from your bed and the safety of your home. He tried to check on you earlier, but you never answered. The 53 calls he's already sent never reached you.

It all left a bitter taste in his mouth, his stomach lurching with worry. Leo forbade him from breaking into your house to find you, but that didn't mean Donnie wasn't going to botch this mission to try and find you outside your home. You could very well out on foot, stuck, alone, and scared while wishing Donnie to come rescue you. Your T-Phone broken while you desperately hoped for a savior in purple and green. Donnie couldn't help but smile at the mental image of you in need, hoping for him to be your knight in shining armor. It'd be so easy to sweep you off your feet after an act of bravery like that.

Donnie's attention reverts back to his pinging device as the alerts grow louder every second, the wicks spinning faster and faster while it flashes at him. He jumps down into the break between the buildings, kicking over boxes and digging in dumpsters to try and find the mutagen that was making his tech go wild. He grumbles under his breath during the search for the canister, uncaring of the noise he was making at the moment. All he had to do was find this canister, then he could dip to go look for you.

Voices from the street make Donnie freeze in his small frenzy of minor destruction, the familiar laughter ringing in his ears. Donnie scales the side of the building just in time to get out of sight of you and the person with you. The relief that floods Donatello is miniscule compared to the bitter jealousy surrounding the person at your side, their hand on your shoulder as you both move through the gap between the buildings. Your voice is too quiet to understand from where he perched, Donnie's hands twitching as he imagined jumping down there and whisking you away. They were so close to you, practically melded to your skin from how often they insisted on touching you.

Donnie sucks in a breath when your accompaniment kicks over a stack of newspapers, the glowing green canister he was looking for rolling out. You freeze on the ground, your eyes glued to the ooze rolling across the floor. Donnie scowls as he hears your protests when your friend picks up the glass, his grip on the ledge tightening as he imagines it breaking and morphing your friend into something horrid.

Your quick reaction to take the glowing container ruins Donnie's hopes, your scolding loud enough to reach his ears. He smiles while your friend cowers at your stern expression, their hands raising in defeat. While he wished more than anything you'd splash the mutagen on them, he'd take them getting a verbal beating by you over nothing. Plus, you were so adorable when you got heated, your eyebrows scrunching while your face screwed into a tight knot. Last time you had an argument with Raph, you came to Donnie to complain and he loved every second of it.

Donnie scrambles to get up when you head out of the small alley, your friend in tow as they loop themselves over your shoulders. The envy in Donnie burns, his eyes calculating all the different ways he could throw a shuriken and nail them in the head. The only thing stopping him from testing it out was your proximity. Donnie knew how much you hated blood.

The turtle's focus wasn't on you for the first time since he had known you, his attention now completely turned to the person who was wrapped around you while you walked. Their steps were in sync with yours while you laughed at something they said, pushing them away for a second before allowing them to regroup. Every touch makes Donnie's blood boil, his red eyes zeroing in on their hands around yours. He follows you both until they drop you off, his body buzzing while you disappear into your building. Donnie patiently waits for your friend to walk near the building he stood on, his eyes now white and masked. Nothing was coursing through Donnie other than rage, their hands on yours being the only thing he could see in his mind.

The poor soul crosses in front of Donnie, and he strikes, dragging him through the street and into the car garage that was near your apartment. Donnie ignores their screams and fighting, his grip on their hair strong as he nearly breaks their neck from the force of his dragging. He can already hear them crying, their pleads and sobs making Donnie sneer. They were pathetic, just a weak coward who couldn't even take what they should have known was coming.

Donnie wastes no time in slamming them to the ground, watching their chest heave as they struggle to breath. He picks them up again and smashes their head into a pillar, watching as the gray concrete slowly stains a muddy red. Their mouth was coated in blood, their hands twitching and proving the life they still desperately cling to. Donnie doesn't bother feeling pity for them, sure of himself and his actions. They deserved it. They deserve this.

As Donnie drops them to the ground and watches them crumple with glee, he can't help but be satisfied. He takes his bō staff from the strap on his back and squeezes the side, letting the blade come out of the end. He isn't quick as he cuts their hands off, relishing in the screams muffled by the blood pooling in their lungs. When the second limb falls to the ground, Donnie stomps on their legs, shivering at the crack that precedes their scream. They continue to sob, their voice gargles as blood pools in their throat and mouth from the abuse done to their body. They were too weak to move, more blood outside their body staining the floor than inside where it was needed. Donnie watches them struggle for a bit more, pleased at his work. He raises his staff once more before plunging the blade through their skull, ceasing the whimpers and cries that once fell from their lips. Pulling the naginata from their head, Donnie smiles. You would never have to deal with them again.

Donnie steps back from the now broken and bloody body that belonged to your friend, his smile wide as the pressure finally leaves his chest. He doesn't bother trying to clean up the scene, merely jumping to the roofs above and leaving it for someone else to find. He hums to himself as he makes his way back into the sewers, giddy now that the person is gone. Donnie's hand twitches, wanting to call you and brag to you about what he had done, but he holds back. You would learn in due time, and Donnie would make sure you would finally see just how much Donnie cares. He still had some restraint, after all.


Words: 1230

Posted: 10.27.23

A/N, not important: Oh wow, look at that, it's awful. In my defense though, it's 2 in the morning when I'm setting this up for queue. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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