Day 2- Accident(Yandere Rise Mikey x Reader)

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CW: Burns, accidental hurt, burn injuries, victim blaming, dark themes

You shouldn't have kept pushing him. The anger in his eyes, the fury rolling off his body in waves, it was all showing signs of you being completely and utterly screwed. The youngest Hamato may be small, but he was not weak. Gosh, you never should have pushed him like this. The argument was so simple, you were only making a mountain out a mole hill in the grand scheme of things. You could tell instantly this time was different, Mikey's cold eyes covering the forgiving look he'd usually give you when you try to fight with him. Sure, he'll usually tighten your chains and withhold your food for a while, but those were merely comforts. Never once since he kidnapped you three months ago had he gotten truly angry with you. It was terrifying to see.

"I told you to shut up." Mikey hisses, his face a dark green from the anger bubbling beneath his skin. It was hard to look at him, his usually cheery but stern attitude wiped away and replaced with something a million times worse. "I told you! I told you, but you never listen! Why don't you listen to me?!"

You take a step back from the angry mutant, your eyes widening at his erratic movements and twitching hands and mouth gaping as all words leave you. The short but powerful terrapin was showing you just how terrifying he could be. You worry he would strike you if you weren't careful, his pupils mere dots while he stares you down. His eyes narrow when you step back, his face pinching in disgust.

"Oh, so now you're quiet." He goads, taking a step towards you as he marks and eyes start to glow a vibrant yellow as a chain starts to materialize and move to his will.. His voice takes a falsely sweet pretense, his head tilting to the side as he talks. "You were so eager to talk earlier, I assumed you had forgotten how to stop."

He takes another step towards you, and the chain attacks, wrapping tightly around you as if it had a mind of its own. You scream when the metal hits the skin of your arm, the feeling of the metal melting away at your flesh and burning your blood before it can escape its containment being more agonizing than anything you've previously felt. Your screams seem to startle Mikey, his eyes widening as the glow of his marks dim. He looks hesitant, scared, the sweet smell of burning flesh filling the air and making him nauseous.

The tightness of the chains drop, loosening their hold and pulling your skin off in thick, bloody clumps. You continue to scream in agony, the places where your skin still clung to the meat of your arms bubbled and weeping. Mikey rushes forwards to grab you, panic set in his eyes as the chain disappears with a wave of his hand. He takes the underside of your arm where your skin had been spared, looking over the bleeding and burned skin. He tries to shush you, but his empty words do nothing to ease your pain.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean it." He murmurs, his eyes darting rapidly across the room as he tries to think of a solution. "C'mon, we need to go to the med bay. Leo has some stuff that'll help, I swear."

You barely register when he grabs you, the burning of your arms taking over everything. He situates you in his arms so he wasn't touching any of your burns, rushing towards the med bay. Your mind is a foggy haze as he applies ointment to your arms and wraps them up in bandages, his face smoothed from the worried frown to a determined stare. Your cries are quiet after he gives you painkillers, ones stronger than you would assume he would have. They make your mind loopy and your eyes heavy, and you find yourself barely able to keep your eyes open.

"You know," Mikey says softly, finishing off the long roll of bandages that are now set on your arm. "This was your own fault. You shouldn't have made me mad."

You don't respond, your brain is too foggy to care. You could hear him, but stringing words to form a sentence was too big a task for you. He looks into your eyes, seeing the cloudy look you have and sighs. He pushes your head into the crook of his shoulder, kissing the crown of your head. "Go to sleep. We'll talk later."

And so you drift off, into a world of drugs and numbness.


Words: 775

Posted: 10.02.23

A/N, not important: Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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