Day 28- Mistake(Yandere Rise Savage Raph x Reader)

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CW: Dale, off screen death, bones snapped, feral, Loss of mental consciousness, kidnapping(?), unwanted touch, panic, blood, death of animal(rat), sewage, dark themes, yandere themes.

"You want to explore the sewers?" You ask, looking at the bald teen standing in front of you in disgust. You shudder, trying not to imagine all the things down there. "What are you even planning on finding? Sewage?"

Dale scoffs, his high pitched voice nasally from the cold. "But we could find treasure!"

"Or feces. You know, the stuff that's supposed to be down there."

Dale frowns, clearly not amused by your attitude. He sighs, putting his hand on your shoulder and shaking you lightly. "Where's your sense of adventure? Your curious spirit?"

"Literally anywhere but the sewers of New York." You state plainly, your nose scrunching up in disgust. Nothing about this plan seemed like a good idea, let alone a fun way to spend your weekend. Your shoulders sag, looking at the manhole cover Dale led you to. "C'mon, can't we just like, play video games or go to the movies like normal teens?"

Dale seems to ignore your statement, walking confidently over to the sewer plate. You stand back, watching him wrap his hands around the metal and try to lift it. It doesn't even budge. You snort slightly, watching him struggle for a moment before walking over to help him. You felt guilty, especially after seeing how determined he was to lift it with his bare hands. Dale's head whips around, his dark eyes narrowing as he spots a small bit of pipe sticking out of a nearby dumpster. He grabs it and brings it over, carefully hooking the end of the pipe onto the slots of the sewer cover.

"Sorry," He mutters, both of you pushing your weight against the awkward angle of the pipe. "I forgot how heavy these things were."

You feel confusion waft over you at the statement, especially at the implication this was something he had done or at least tried before. You shake it off, focusing on the task at hand instead. Best to let Dale be Dale.

It takes a while, but the both of you eventually get the manhole cover dislodged and move to the side, the rancid smell of human waste and dead rats wafting to the surface. You gag, staggering back while dry heaving. Dale looked equally sick, but determined.

"We go in." He says, taking a deep, final breath of fresh air before slowly climbing down the ladder. You watch him descend into the tunnels, his sputtering breaths making you feel bad for the young adult despite it being fully his idea, and fully his fault. His head pops out of the hold for a moment, his beady eyes looking at you. "Aren't you coming."

You grimace, but slowly follow, trying to take as many gulps of the surface air before following him down, slowly dragging the cast iron plate back into its spot. Your stomach churns while the stench burns your nose, making your vision swim. The ladder is longer than you want it to be, each rung damp with something you weren't sure you wanted to know the makeup of. Your feet finally hit solid ground, your hand going to your pocket and slipping your phone out so you could see. Dale does the same, two small lights shining through the dark tunnel. You can hear the skittering rats and bugs, and the smell isn't getting any better despite what you try to force yourself to believe.

Dale shines his light down each tunnel, his voice a bit strained. "Well, do you want to go right or left?"

You roll your shoulders, still grimacing. "Back to the surface."

"Not an option!" He says brightly, marching down the tunnel to your left. He lets out a nervous chuckle as he walks, looking back at you. "I uh... I'm not sure if we can even lift the grate back up anyways."

You groan, following behind your friend, your flashlight glued to the ground in front of your feet to make sure you didn't step in anything. Every slight squish your shoes made in the damp tunnels made you gag, your mind running wild on all the possibilities of what you were stepping in. You were majorly regretting following him down here, wishing you were back home cuddled into your bed with a movie playing on your phone. The trudge through the sewers gets slightly better as you slowly get somewhat used to the smell, the burning sensation in your nose dying down slightly.

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