Day 17- Home(Yandere TMNT 2012 Raph x Reader)

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CW: Kidnapping, loss of autonomy, dark themes, yandere themes

Raph paces in front of you, his face screwed into a scowl as he grumbles under his breath. Your knees were tucked to your chest, your heart pounding and nerves shot. He could still envision your panicked screams that erupted from your lips when you first woke, your eyes wide once you realized you were stuck. Your screams had died down by now, only small breaths of panic leaving you, but it was still too much for him. He never thought you would be scared of him. Sure, waking up chained where you didn't fall asleep was scary, but the way you looked at him still broke his heart.

Raph's hands twitched at his sides, the familiar anger bubbling up and dragging him down. You had no right to be scared. He'd never hurt you. Sure, he blew his lid sometimes, and sure, he shouted at you when you woke up, but you screamed first! It wasn't fair that you were this panicked when you had only woken up in his room. You'd done it hundreds of times before, so what if this time you can't leave? Can't you see he's just protecting you? Raph's scowl deepens, still pacing in front of you as he tries to decide what he wants to do with you. He wanted to take this slow, to not hurt you or scare you for the first week at least, but he apparently already screwed that one up. He watches as you fiddle with the chain around your ankle, small stings of fear and worry biting at your heart. He still hadn't explained what was going on, and while your screaming stopped, your panic had not.

"Raph?" You ask meekly, waiting for his head to turn to look at you before continuing. Raph hesitates, then meets your eyes. He scans your face and tries not to frown at the fear in your eyes, knowing that the thing you were scared of was him.

"Yes?" He grunts, toxic green eyes staring you down. He tries to relax his posture and fix his face, hoping that the more open he looked, the less scared you would be. It doesn't seem to help much, as you still shake under his gaze.

"What's going on?" You ask, your voice slightly less shaky as you gain back your usual confidence. You straighten your back and lean forward, no longer looking at the chains keeping you from fleeing. While your chest was still rising faster than normal, you had mostly calmed down, the fear slowly being replaced with confusion and hesitance. Raph wasn't even sure if you were fully aware you were being kidnapped, and not being subjected to a weird game that he and his brothers were roping you into.

"I'm keeping you." Raph says bluntly, unsure how else to put it. He figures he could tell you how he finds you the most wonderful thing in the universe, and that he'd do anything to keep you safe and by his side, but that would be too many words, and way too personal. You didn't need to know how obsessed he was with you. He didn't want you trying anything stupid.

You look at him strangely, as if you didn't believe his words. Raph shifts where he stands, his eyes narrowing while he huffs. He didn't want to scare you again, but he needed you to understand. You weren't leaving. You tug at your chains again, frowning. It was clear you were desperately trying to rationalize this, to come up with reason or rhyme for why you woke up chained to his bed. Raph hadn't touched you yet, and he wasn't sure he wanted to. He really hated how loud you could scream.

"I don't want to play your stupid game Raph." You grumble, looking up at him with nervous eyes. Raph sighs, realizing you were starting to break down again. He'd probably gag you if you started screaming again.

"Not a game. You're not leaving. I'm tired of you getting hurt and being in danger." Raph tries his best to be blunt, to give you as much information while still keeping his feelings close to his chest. He didn't want to overwhelm you with all that just yet. He was sure you loved him anyway. Why else would you be so calm? You'd always stuck by him, and even commonly stayed over with him. Making you love him was easy, but keeping you quiet would be a problem. He hadn't even told Leo you were here yet. Raph would forever be glad he had the foresight enough to wait until his brothers were off with Casey and April to bring you home.

Raph watches your eyes closely, frowning as the fear returns. You chew on your cheek, you form small and closed off as you tug at the chain. You were confused and worried, unsure what all this meant. Raph wasn't sure how to console you, shifting uncomfortably as he realizes he might have to help you deal with your emotions. He wanted you to feel safe, not scared.

He moves forward and reaches his hand out towards your face, his eyes darkening when you flinch back on instinct. He reaches forward and grabs the collar of your shirt tugging you forward. "I'm not scary. I'm not doing anything wrong."

You whimper, eyes wide and full of the fear that he hated to see. He knew it would take a while before you fully realized how he was telling the truth. Raph sighs and lets go, watching you fall back onto his bed. You stay silent, keeping your breathing calm as you scratch at your arms. Raph exhales slowly, leaning back against the wall across from you so he could watch you process. He would wait, and silence any scream that escapes you. He would be patient with you. He had all the time in the world now that you were fully his.


Words: 993

Posted: 10.17.23

A/N, not important: Guys I rewrote this one eight times I hate it so much but if I have to spend any more time on it I'm going to explode. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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