Day 9 - Death(Yandere Rise Mikey x Reader)

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CW: DEATH, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH(?), DECOMPOSITION, living with a corpse, Delusions, vomit, kidnapping, blood, bodily fluids, dark themes, yandere themes

Mikey whistles to himself as he draws in his sketchbook, your head in his lap while he does so. It was a lazy Saturday, nothing going on for him, or for you. He decided that morning that he didn't want to do anything but cuddle and relax, dragging you into his lap and settling down. The hand he wasn't using to draw rakes slowly through your hair, your closed eyes and paling face making Mikey smile.

You were so much sweeter like this. Complacent with everything he does, no longer fighting, no longer flinching at his touch. Sure, you had grown quiet, but you had also stopped arguing. It was a massive improvement in his eyes.

The candles around his room flickered, the sweet aroma battling the foul stench seeping from the depths. He barely noticed, having grown so used to the smell. It wasn't bad to him, and he brushed it off whenever his brothers complained when they walked by. It was why he got the candles after all. To quell their complaints and keep you happy. He couldn't have you living in a rancid room after all. Even if it was mostly your fault either way.

Mikey sets his pencil down and leans over, grabbing the remote to his personal TV Donnie had gifted him for you. He turns it on, switching through the channels with mild disinterest. He glances down at you, his thumb caressing your cheek softly. He could feel your cheek cavity caving in at the small amount of pressure, fluid spilling from your lips. He simply wipes it away and turns back to the screen, ignoring the way your hair falls out in clumps in his hands as he strokes your head.

"What do you want to watch?" He asks, clicking through each channel as it comes on. He appreciates how you weren't as rigid as the other day, although your skin still felt dry. He knew you hadn't been getting up to take care of yourself, but it was still disappointing. Maybe he'd give you some lotion to put on later, to add some more life to your touch.

He doesn't wait for you to answer, clicking on the first cartoon that pops up and leaning over his sketchbook once more. The weight of your head in his lap was comforting, making every wrong in the world right once more. You were his anchor, keeping him still and steady despite the rocking waves. He would be lost without you, and he refused to ever let you go.

The TV drones on in the background while Mikey draws, loosely sketching you and practicing poses with your body. He was restraining himself from adding too much detail to the pieces, trying to capture your essence in as few lines as possible, but feeling guilty for not pulling out all the stops in the drawing of your likeness.

He takes your limp hand and squeezes it, whispering soft words to you while he stares. You gave no opinion to his dilemma, but Mikey still felt bad for not giving you the full works, even if it was just in a drawing. He sighs, deciding to leave those drawings as just sketches, and make a fuller piece of you on the next page.

The page turns, and a knock sounds from the door, startling Mikey. He stares at the door for a moment before carefully moving you off him and slipping off the bed. He opens the door to see Leo, the older slider grimacing. He coughs when the door opens, taking a step back from his room.

"Mikey, Hermano, your room smells like death. Are you okay? Did a rat die in your paints again?"

Mikey frowns, shaking his head. "Not that I know of. And I have candles burning, so that should get rid of the smell soon. But I don't even notice it unless I've been outside for a long while. It's not that bad."

Leo sighs, rubbing the bridge of his snout. He didn't have the heart to tell him just how awful the smell was. He looks at his younger brother, both in concern and love. "Have they woken up yet at least? You said they've been sleeping for three days now."

Mikey pouts, shaking his head. "Nope, still asleep. I shook them this morning and everything."

Leonardo stares at his younger brother, contemplating what to do. He understood you were Mikey's, and he wasn't going to fight the younger on that again. However, having his youngest sibling and his kidnapped partner live in a room that reeked of death, especially while you were apparently out cold, was not the best idea.

"I'll take a look at them." Leo mumbles, walking into the room once Mikey steps to the side. Leo covers his nose as he steps into the thick of it, his eyes burning and lungs crying out for mercy. He couldn't even breathe through his mouth, the air tasting as putrid as it smelled. His eyes land on you, and he freezes. Flies were buzzing around your head, landing on your skin. Pus and other fluids dripped from you, your bloated body being in the middle of Mikey's bed and staining his sheets and blankets with the muck of decomposition.

Mikey was right in a sense. You hadn't been waking up. Not like you could anymore, not with what Leo was staring at. Your eyes looked to have been forced shut with tape, your body patchy and drained of color from the lack of life. Mikey looks on at you too, his vision warped to see your sleeping form rather than your corpse. Your dead, rotting corpse.

Leo pukes and runs out of the room, yelling for his brothers with Mikey's pleas hot on his heels.


Words: 964

Posted: 10.09.23

A/N, not important: Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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