Day 16- Blade(Yandere Rise Leo x Reader)

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CW: Kidnapping, implied abuse(mental and physical), manipulation, blood, death, off-screen murder, being carved into, being cut, wounds, yandere themes, dark themes

You walk through the restaurant with Leo by your side, his arm firmly around your waist. His gaze was forward and relaxed, a perfect mask to the world. No one noticed how tightly he was keeping you by his side, or the look of fear on your face.

"Smile, love," He lightly chides, rubbing his thumb on your hip while moving towards the table Hueso was taking you both to. "You should be happy. It's been a while since I've been able to take you out."

You don't respond to him, but the corners of your mouth crease up in a forceful manner before dropping down once more. Leo gives a breathy chuckle, his eyes swinging forward once more as he squeezes your side in warning. You knew he wouldn't scold you here, not in public. Not with Hueso barely four feet in front of you both. A bitter feeling settles in your stomach as you look around the restaurant and see all the happy couples and families, making you grimace. You couldn't tell if the feeling was from hunger, or envy.

You missed being able to come to places like this freely. Well, not places like this. While seeing the ins and outs of the yōkai world was interesting, you missed being in human restaurants and buildings. You missed being with humans, with your family and friends. Now, all you had was him.

Leo smiles down at you as if sensing you were thinking of him, his wry smile and falsely innocuous eyes fooling everyone but you. Leo's grip leaves your waist, a smug smile covering his face as he pulls back your seat. He was acting once more, playing the gentlemanly boyfriend that was just oh so in love with his little human partner. You sit in the chair Leo pulled out for you, not voicing the millions of insults and complaints that stewed under your skin. You don't pay attention as Leo sits down across from you, not hearing as he converses with Hueso and orders for the both of you. You barely even notice Leo calling your name until he takes your hand, knocking you out of your trance.

"Behave. This is a date. You're supposed to enjoy it." He lightly chides, still smiling while waiters and staff bustles past. He squeezes your hand, something that would be comforting if this were anyone else, if this were any other situation, but you can't help but shrink back as he wanted. It was a warning, a small gesture to remind you not to draw attention to yourself or him.

He grins, relaxing his hold on your hand but not yet letting go. He relaxes in his seat, letting his legs cross over each other and his shell presses back against the chair. His loose hand drums on the table, dark eyes scanning the restaurant. "Man, it's been ages since I was able to take you here. Reminds me of when we first started dating."

His words make your stomach churn, the memories of your first date, of the first warning signs making you want to hurl. If you had run away then, maybe you wouldn't even be in this mess. You look into his eyes, the darkness that's swirling just under the surface making you shudder. No. Even if you left early on, he would still find you. There was no escaping him. The chains you wore at the lair were a testament to that, the locket around your neck being akin to a collar.

"Speak. This is a date. You're supposed to be having fun." He insists, squeezing your hand once more before dropping it to his side. You open your lips for a moment, brows furrowed as you try to come up with something to say. There was nothing you wanted to say to him, nothing that would be said on a date. You doubted he would appreciate the slew of insults your brain was cooking up.

"What did you order?" You croak out, wincing at the shudder of your voice. He hums, his fingers still drumming the table. You couldn't tell if your words satisfied him, but he didn't say a thing. Instead, his grin grows to finally meet his eyes, his lips pursing before breaking open to show his teeth.

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