Day 5- Liar(Yandere Rise Leo x Reader)

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CW: Demonized self imagery, mirrors, kidnapping, mental breakdown, manipulation, lying, borderline isolation

The room is quiet. It always was once Leo was gone. The comic books he'd brought for this week were piled high in the corner, each having already been read. You shift in the bed, considering reading them all again. It had taken two days last time, but you weren't sure you could. The words and colors blend together after so long, each character seeming the same as the last.

It also didn't help with how jealous you were of them, seeing their adventures and travels making your stomach coil in knots. It had been eight months since the Kraang invasion, three months since Leo insisted the world was still rebuilding, still too dangerous for you to return. You shift the sheets over your body more, covering your entire person despite not being cold. The blanket was better than nothing while Leo was gone, his touch being the only interaction you've had since. Even his brothers had stayed away from you, leaving the room when you entered until you stopped leaving yourself. You could sometimes hear their whispers outside the subway car, muffled concerns and arguments being held just beyond your reach.

You were getting tired of Leo's voice being the only one in your head. He had taken over your thoughts, your vision, your mind. He was all you thought of day in, day out. He was all you had.

Three months ago you would've gone on a walk in the park on a day like this. A day like this, where you feel so gloomy and down you can barely breathe. The outside may be bitter, but it was nice to hear the life around you and see the clouds in the sky. Was it raining? Snowing? Sunny? You weren't sure. Leo didn't talk about such things with you anymore. After all, it's not like you would know.

The feeling of the sun on your skin and the smell of fresh rain had been forgotten, only small wisps of memory remained. You sometimes didn't believe yourself when you tried to imagine it. Maybe the rain never smelled, and the sun never truly warmed your skin like you imagined. For all you knew, they were only dreams.

You missed going out with your friends or joining the boys down at Heuso's. It was nicer then, simpler. Everything has its place, including you. You fit neatly into the slot of Leo's best friend, and eventually his partner. It was a nice world to be in, nicer than the room you stayed in now.

You used to clean it everytime Leo left, trying to tidy up the space so Leo would have something nice to come back to. You still do sometimes, when you can get out of bed. It never was the same though. The metal walls never showed your reflection, and there was always a small damp smell in the air. You suspected there was a leak somewhere, or one of you had spilled something that had embedded itself into the train's memory, but you weren't sure. You could probably find it if you looked hard enough, but that was a job for another day. Or another week. Another month even. Just not today.

The airflow from the vent causes a slight ruffle from a blanket behind you, your dulled eyes peering over your shoulder. The blanket sways in the flow, a small flapping from the edges that reminds you of a bird. Or, well, you think it reminds you of a bird. You never could tell anymore.

You slowly peel the blankets off yourself, letting your feet press against the cold floor. A chill runs up your spine as you slowly stand, goosebumps appearing on the flesh of your arms and legs. You slowly creep towards the bird-like blanket, your fingers securing themselves around the soft material. It was a nice blanket, smooth under your fingers and cool to the touch. It was no wonder for its unusual coldness, as the vent was directly above it, a constant stream of air exhaled by the system.

You pull gently on the blanket, unsure what it covers. You were confident you once knew. Leo never messed with anything in the room, not unless he had you nodding along. It was nice, the way he let you do as you pleased despite it being his room. He was so kind to you, keeping you safe and warm and comfortable.

The blanket falls, revealing the liquidy glass of a mirror. You stare into it for a moment, your brain processing what it does but not who you were looking at. That couldn't be you. Your face was deeply set, as if it had sunken in. Your skin looked sickly and had a soft sheen over the surface, like you had been preserved in wax. Your hands automatically reach to scratch at the surface, disappointment shining in your eyes when it stays put. Your gaze continues to lower, horror and despair flooding your veins.

You had lost at least ten pounds, and looked like a complete mess. Your hair is brittle and no matter how much you quickly try to run your hands through it, it stays firmly knotted. Your face is creased and your clothes sag on you, even though you can clearly remember this exact pair being decently well fitted. You couldn't take your eyes off the creases in your face, the bags under your eyes seeming deep enough to swim in.

A stark sob leaves you, the image breaking everything you had known. It was no wonder you had it covered. The thing it showed, the monster it held, it certainly wasn't you. It couldn't be. Right?

A loud crash sounds through the room and your fist stings as the blood drips down your arm. The mirror is shattered, but instead of taking the monster away, it only amplifies it. Millions of small images of the horror that was once you. Small cries turn into wails as you crumple to your knees. A door opens behind you, worried calls and shouts sounding just a few feet away, but you can't hear them through your cries. The world had broken, and so had you.

Leo's arms wrap around your shoulders, holding you gently as he starts to attempt at calming you down. Your body acts on reflex, clinging to the one thing you knew, the one solid in your sinking life.

"Please," You sob, clinging onto him. Your hands can barely grip his shoulders, fingers slipping as you lean against him. You didn't want to die, the image of yourself blowing away like dust in the wind. You were sure this meant the worst, that whatever infected the city Leo spoke so down on had gotten to you too. "Please, just let me go outside. Just once. I'm dying. Please. Can't you see I'm dying?"

"You're not dying honey," He murmurs, kissing the crown of your head. His chin rests on your head as he pulls you into his lap, rocking you back and forth in his arms. "And you know I can't do that. The invasion caused a lot of damage to the city. Once it's repaired, I swear I'll let you out. I don't want you hurt, so you just gotta wait. It's okay. I promise, it'll be soon. I'll take you out on a nice picnic and show you the stars. You just have to be patient."

You nod, still crying as you bury your face into the crook of his neck. Leo smiles above you, his eyes twinkling with a malicious deviation. You bought it again, you always did. There was never an ounce of mistrust between the two of you. He sighs, sitting back as he continues to comfort you. You were too gullible, not to your own fault of course. Leo was always such a wonderful liar.


Words: 1312

Posted: 10.05.23

A/N, not important: Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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