Day 23- Pretend(Yandere Rise Raph x Reader)

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CW: loss of will to live, dark themes, yan themes

Your smaller arms move with Raph's hand, a small smile on his face while he positions you on his bed. You were nested in his room, the piles of stuffed animals and pillows nearly drowning you from the sheer amount. Your eyes were glassy, doll-like and vacant. Whatever love for life you once had was gone, Raph's suppressive hold smothering the light you once had. Raph didn't mind, his smile widening while your head lolls to the side and you breathe out slowly. You were perfect now, so sweet and compliant to whatever he wanted.

Your heart didn't quicken when Raph came near anymore, nor when he lost his temper and raised his voice. You didn't even cry anymore when he touched you, now just sinking into the only comfort you were allowed with acceptance. Raph appreciated your new attitude, proud of himself for breaking you down. This was what he wanted, for you to be safe and happy with him. He can't help but be pleased with how well his plan went, especially since he didn't even need to ask his brothers for help. He kept you all on his own.

Raph shifts the blankets on top of you, smiling as he watches you struggle to keep your glassy eyes open. Watching you doze off was always a pleasure, something he had for himself that he'd never have to share. Your nose twitches as you breathe, your breath the only thing that separates you from the dolls and stuffies that surround you. You're completely still, only moving when Raph directs you.

Raph watches you for a moment more, smiling softly as you start to doze. He notices your cracked lips, the way your breath is slightly wheezy. His smile turns to a frown, his hands rubbing his wrists raw as he exits the room to make for the kitchen. He barely greets his brothers as he passes them, his brow line etched into the proclaimed "Raph Chasm". He wasn't sure the last time you drank water, especially since you didn't ask for things anymore. It was the only downside he could find to your new personality. He missed your voice, even when all you used to do was yell.

Raph enters the kitchen, nodding a hello to his youngest brother while he cooks. The smell of the kitchen makes Raph's mouth water, the soup simmering on the stove making his stomach rumble. Raph shakes himself out of the food trance, directing his attention back to the cabinet as he grabs a glass. He fills it up with ice and water from the sink, listening to the ice crack in the cup while the warmer water lands on it.

"How are they?" Mikey asks, still stirring his soup and making sure it didn't burn. Raph hums, grinning.

"They're good. Just getting them some water." Raph replies, his eyes glued to the rising water level of the cup. He turns off the sink, pulling the glass back and starts to walk out, taking careful steps to not spill the water. Mikey laughs as he watches his giant brother, the way he was trying to tiptoe through the kitchen making more of a mess than if he walked normally. Raph makes it back to his room with minimal spilling, his face twisted in regret from filling the water so high.

As he sets the glass of water down on the bedside table, Raph frowns when he looks at you. The way you were sitting, the way your eyes were closed and how you sank into the plushies around you. He was no longer able to tell the difference between you, and the stuffed animals lining his bed. You were still in the same position he left you, your eyes closed and face pale, sweat gathering on your brow.

Raph brings his hand to your forehead, expecting it to be hot, but it was normal. You weren't sick from what Raph could tell. He shakes you softly, watching your big, glassy eyes open with a smile. He helps you sit up, your limbs rubber and limp. His touch is gentle, lifting your chin easily like it would crack if he was too harsh. He lifted the water to your lips, letting you drink from the cup. Your hands move on their own for the first time, instinct kicking in as water dribbles from your mouth at the clumsy assistance. You take the cup and finish drinking, wiping the excess liquid from your mouth. Raph ruffles your hair as he takes the cup away from you, putting it back on the table. He'd have to start bringing you more, not wanting you to wither away on him.

You settle back down while Raph sits on the edge of the bed, his hand on yours as you tilt back and your eyes close again. You blend in with the other dolls, still, calm, and quiet. Your breathing is so still it seems to have stopped, Raph only comforted in your life by the feel of your heart beat below the skin of your wrist. Raph closes his eyes, a pang of guilt flowing through him for just a moment. He misses when you didn't have to pretend that you were still alive.


Words: 877

Posted: 10.23.23

A/N, not important: Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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