Day 30- Lonely(Yandere Rise Donnie x Reader)

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CW: Anger, destroying things out of anger, hinted future bloodshed, kidnapping, dark themes, yan themes

Donnie shifts in his bed, his gut telling him something was wrong. He feels around his bed for you, his heart racing as his eyes open. You were gone. The spot you last were wasn't even warm, the sheets that once covered you messed and strewn about. Donnie jolts up and moves from his bed, patting the blankets down in hopes to feel you buried under. Not finding you in the mess of sheets, he rushes from his room and moves around the lab, calling your name and searching every nook and cranny. His eyes land on the open lab door and his heart sinks, his hands shaking as he wakes up SHELLDON and sends him off to search for you as well.

It takes painstakingly long, but Donnie ends up searching the entire lair top to bottom three times. Not a single inch was unaccounted for, and more importantly, neither were you. Donnie sits in front of his computers in his lab, seething. You ran. He took such good care of you, and you ran. Donnie shoves the half-finished tracking collar off his desk, regretting not setting you up with the subcutaneous trackers he had for the rest of his family. He curses his want for you to be special, to make something just for you. He should've been more careful, shouldn't have fallen for your lies and your words. You were too willing, and he shouldn't have believed it was from mutual love.

Donnie pushes his chair from the desk and stands up, screaming out in anger. His heart was throbbing, fury bright in his eyes while shoves cabinets to the ground and listens to the clatter of his tools being thrown against walls. He stays away from his projects, not wanting to destroy his life's work in his fit of rage. His fists clench at his side as he stares down at the mess he made, his tools scattered and shelves emptied onto the floor. He stands there for a moment, just letting his anger roll through him in waves, not trying to calm it at all. You had betrayed him. You ran, despite promising him your heart.

Donnie turns back to his computers, righting the chair and settling into it as he frantically starts to look through everything he could to find you. He gains access to cameras around town, his eyes taking in screen for barely a second before flipping to the next, running your name through databases to see if you had tried to call or book anything in the hours you ran. He searches the files of all the local police stations, looking for any new visits or files that contain you.

Each station was an annoyance to look through, every file having its own access key he needed to break through. He reopens the cameras on his other monitor, glancing at them while he painstakingly searches through every single folder they had online. He clenches his hand as he stares at the dozens of drives he needed to get through, his heart pounding both from anger and the annoyance of needing to cover his tracks lest he get caught.

It takes him what feels like hours, but he finally gets to the last police within a walkable distance in the time you've been gone, his eyes flicking back and forth between the cameras open and the files he's decoding. He pauses when he sees the door to the precinct open, his chair swiveling as he moves to face the screen better. Through the grainy cameras the police station held, he could make you out. You were barefoot and only wearing Donnie's clothes, different ones than the pajamas he gave you to sleep in. The sweats and hoodie you stole were baggy, both made to his specifications and you didn't have a shell to help them fit.

The sight of you walking up to the station desk makes him sick, the woman manning the station looking at you with pity as you shake before her. Donnie slowly stands up, moving through his wrecked lab with a quiet peacefulness. His eyes were focused, determination and anger mixing together to form a dangerous concoction. Donnie pulls on his battle-shell and mans his tech-bō, fully prepared to do anything to get you back. You were coming home, no matter how much blood he had to spill.

Donnie takes one last glance at the cameras, watching you being ushered off into the back of the station, his knuckles lightening in shade as he steams. You would regret leaving him, one way or another. And he would make sure you never could again.


Words: 775

Posted: 10.30.23

A/N, not important: Another one I'll probably try to rewrite, although I'm not sure what more to add. Maybe emotion. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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