Day 4- Savior(Yandere 2012 Leo x Reader)

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CW: wrist breaking/dislocation, chased, kidnapping, slight blood mention

Running. I need to go faster, farther. I can still hear the footsteps behind me, feet stomping and crashing against the concrete as I run. My breaths were short, the air escaping my lungs faster than it was coming in. I could feel my body giving out the farther I pushed, my legs cramping with each step. How far had they chased me now? A mile? Three? I shake my head, not wanting to dwell on it any longer. The boys would be here soon, I already sent out a distress signal.

At least, I hoped they would be here soon.

One of the ninjas jumps at my side, their hand fluttering against my hoodie and trying to grasp it just a second too late. I almost sob in relief when I'm able to pull back and avoid them, my heart pounding in my chest and making my vision swim. I couldn't keep going for long. I feel like cursing Leo's name, regretting letting him talk me out of training with April. The moment I get back, I'm going to march up to Splinter myself and demand he teach me ninjitsu.

A throwing star zips by my face and causes my ears to buzz, the sharp metal digging into my cheek as it flies past. I gulp as I try not to think about how I might not be able to make it back at all.

I swerve into the open mouth of an alley, skidding to a stop when I see it's a dead end. I try to back track, but the Foot quickly surrounds me, their weapons pointed in my direction. Panic builds as I put up my arms in a poor attempt at self defense. I may not know what I was doing, but hell would freeze over before I'm going down without a fight.

I tense as I hear a thud behind me, a robotic glitch echoing through the air. The other soldiers look at each other, their stances loosening as the AI tries to run a new command. The loud clang of metal crashing against metal sounds and my poor fighting form drops as I turn to face the fight behind me.

I watch in awe as Leo quickly makes a mess of the droids, their electronic guts strewn across the alley. My panic quickly fades, my heart beating rapidly for a different reason as I watch Leo. His movements were precise as he makes quick work of the bots, his eyes a pure white while he fights. The way he moved was mesmerizing, a fluid dance between him and his enemies.

A clothed metal hand wraps firmly over my mouth, the other snaking around my waist. The jolt back from the robot pulling my flush to its chest shocks my system, a muffled scream pulled from my lips. Leo's head whips toward us, his face slacking in surprise before being pulled taut in anger once more. He shoves his katana through the last bot and throws a knife towards the one holding me, the quiet shing making my skin break out in goosebumps. I let out a shaky breath as the robot dropped to the ground, the knife having passed clear through its head.

"Leo..." I shakily breathe out, dropping to my knees as my adrenaline crashes. His nearly silent footsteps approach me, his katanas sheathed but his eyes are still the unnerving white. He drops in front of me, one knee on the ground while the other is bent.

His hands cup my face and I melt against him, my eyes tearing up slightly. His eyes finally flicker back to the soft blue I know, his face melting down from anger to worry. His thumb wipes the edge of my cut on my cheek, blood smearing across my face. "Are you hurt anywhere else?"

I shake my head, still breathing heavily. My lungs were having a hard time catching up. "No, I'm just a bit shaken up is all."

Leo nods, scooping me into his arms with ease. I struggle slightly, having not expected the sudden movement from the turtle, but quickly settle down. Leo usually lets me ride piggyback on his shell, so I didn't doubt he could carry me.

"Where's everyone else?" I question, feeling a bit miffed only Leo showed up to help. I appreciated he did, but knowing it was only him still stung. What if Leo couldn't have handled it? It's not like I would've been able to help him.

TMNT Horrortober(31 Yandere TMNT x Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now