Day 3- Run(Yandere Rise Donnie x Reader)

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CW: Breaking bones, Donnie being OOC, shock collar, yandere themes, dark themes 

You kick the door of what Donatello called the 'misbehavior room', anger and frustration bubbling up in your chest. It wasn't fair. You had barely talked back and he stuck you in here again without so much as a warning. You walk back to the small bed he provided, falling onto it with a groan. The mattress wheezed under your wait, sinking down and molding around your body. Your eyes meet the ceiling, a blank stare marking your face. Nothing about this was fair. You just wanted to go home, to be free of the purple terrapin once and for all.

It had been almost an hour since he first put you in here. Or, you assumed it had been at least an hour. Maybe it had been no more than ten minutes, or maybe a full day had passed. You had no way of telling, the room stripped of anything that might help you. Your cheeks puff out as you try and think of a way to escape, your eyes burning from the bright light on the ceiling. It annoyed you to no end, the light never turned and made it harder to just sleep the punishment away.

The room was warm, warmer than his lab. It was just shy of uncomfortable, but not enough to cause you harm. It was just supposed to be a room you hated to be in, and Donatello had manufactured that perfectly. It was a shame you kept ending up in it.

The sound of a lock clicking out of place catches your attention, your eyes drifting to the door. You sit up as the mechanical door slides open and reveals the lab just outside, cool air rushing in and chasing the heat away. Donatello stood in the doorway, his eyes uncommunicative to any thoughts or feelings he had. You lay back down on the slightly uncomfortable mattress, having no desire to converse with your purple banded kidnapper.

"Someone's grumpy." He mutters, taking a step into the room. You don't fail to notice him leaving the door wide open. He moves farther into the room and comes to a stop by your side, his eyes following yours towards the door. He looks down at you, his face still carefully neutral and not giving anything away. He stays silent for a moment, eyes flicking back and forth between your own and the door. He exhales slowly, the careful mask slipping for a moment and giving way to the rage just below the surface.


You blank, sitting up fully and glancing towards the door. "Excuse me?"

"I said, run. You've wanted to escape since I brought you here, have you not? Well, the doors wide open. Run."

You stare at Donnie in slight confusion, but get up either way and start to hesitantly head towards the door, not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth. This was not an opportunity you were going to waste, no matter how strange it be.

"By the way," Donnie starts in a low tone right as you reach the door. You pause for a moment, letting him know you were listening. "Despite what you may be thinking, this is not a free leave. I will be chasing. You have a three minute head start. For your sake, I hope I don't catch you."

You don't hesitate any longer, bolting through the lab and into the hall, taking a sharp turn towards the maze of sewers. Your socked feet pad against the ground, the cloth muffling your steps as you run. The lair fades behind you, adrenaline flowing through you and pushing you to run faster. Farther. You didn't want to find out just what Donnie had planned if he caught you. You highly doubted it would be something as simple as another couple hours in isolation.

Your foot hits water and you gag, stumbling slightly before righting yourself and continuing on. You couldn't afford to trip, not with Donatello right behind you. You briefly contemplate the terms of the chase. Was there a time limit before you 'won'? Or a distance you needed to reach? A small, horrible feeling settles deep in you, infecting every part of your person as you realize there may not be a way to win. You shake your head, pushing the thought away. No, no there must be a way for you to win. There has to be. You just need to make it to the surface, that was a reasonable place to get to. You try your best to ignore how Donatello was never reasonable when it came to you.

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