Day 24- Taken(Yandere Rise Leo x Reader)

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CW: needles, kidnapping, me trying to write Leo differently, dark themes, yandere themes.

You shift in the chair you were tied to, familiar wooden structure being the same one used for Casey just a few months before. You never imagined yourself in it, especially not tied down. Your head was still spinning from the hard drugs going through your system, the sleep refusing to leave your mind as you fight to stay conscious even now. Leo stands in front of you, his shell against the door of his room. His eyes are cautious, a smile on his face that's hiding the nervousness in his posture. Neither of you had spoken since you awoke, your mind too hazy to fully understand what was going on.

You try to move your arms again, looking surprised when they don't come up. The rope dug into your skin, the ties much tighter than necessary to keep you still. Your lidded eyes turn back to Leo, your mouth opening then closing again as you try to speak.

"Why am I here?" You mumble out, your voice heavy and slurred. Leo taps his foot on the ground, not wanting to answer immediately. He seemed unsure, like he was still trying to justify to himself why you, his best friend, was tied to a chair in his room. You let your head fall back against the small bit of wall Leo was able to push you against, your eyes closing again as you try to convince the sleepy feeling to fade. The haze in your mind was slowly dissipating, but it was taking too long for your liking.

"You got hurt." Leo finally answers, making your head perk up to look at him. You blink slowly at him, trying to decipher what he meant. You look down at your legs, seeing the dark bruises still papered over them like a toddlers attempt at painting. Each one was mottled and ugly, dark stains upon your skin. In this moment, you could barely remember where they had come from, only small instances of people crying your name coming to mind. You look back up at Leo, still uncertain how the bruises tainting your legs(and your arms from the feel of it) contributed to you being here.

Leo seems to understand the look of confusion you shoot him, his soft smile turning into a reserved frown. He taps the floor with his foot for a minute, the cogs behind his eyes turning as he comes up with a way to explain his reasoning while keeping you calm.

"You almost died yesterday," Leo starts, his voice pained. He pushes off the wall and walks towards you, sinking to his knees as his hands rest on yours. You feel him rub the exposed skin of the back of your hand, your glassy eyes, staring down as you try to remember what he was talking about. Yesterday was a blur to you, only faint words and pain being the placeholders for that day in your mind. Leo swallows, his hands squeezing yours. "I'm not going to risk losing you like that ever again. So you're staying here."

Leo's lips pull back into a small smile, ignoring your stunned face. "It'll be fun! Like, a permanent sleepover. I'll teach you how to properly skate, you can have whatever side of the bed you like, and you'll get to eat Mikey's great cooking every day. It's not so bad."

You stay quiet, just staring down at Leo as his smile slowly drops again, his brow line scrunched in worry. One of his hands moves to cup your face, his thumb gently rubbing your cheek while he softly coos at you. You weren't sure how to feel about this, half of you feeling it to be a cruel prank while the other... His eyes were too genuine to be fibbing, and he'd never do something like this as a prank. Not to you.

"Leo?" You mumble, blinking slowly at him as the fog slowly starts to seep out of your brain. Something was wrong. Everything was wrong. Leo's touch burned rather than comforted, but you couldn't even move away. "What's going on? I don't like this."

Leo lets out a slow breath, still rubbing your face. He looked agitated at your words, but was still holding a soft patience for you. You couldn't help but be upset, knowing he was treating you like a helpless child. "I know. I know, but you have to listen to me. I'm... You don't get a choice in this. I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not."

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