Day 13- Pills(Yandere 2012 Donnie x Reader)

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CW: Forced drugging, kidnapping, manipulation, dark themes, yandere themes

Donnie gasps your cheeks gently, maroon eyes staring into your own. He has the dreaded pills and water in his grasp, his voice coming out softly. "You have to take the pills, Dove. You know the rules."

Donnie sighs as more tears run down your cheeks, your arms pushing weakly at his chest. Fighting was futile, and he needed to do this. Raph was already getting suspicious of him, pointing out how odd you were the days he lessened your dosage. Donnie couldn't risk it, not when he was this close to keeping you here forever. His room was already set up for you, as you'd been staying there for weeks already, but his brothers still weren't used to you. All he needed to do was figure out how to keep your mouth shut, and he was golden.

He had allowed you to try and exist on your own for a while, only giving you a small amount of the drug, or even sometimes none at all, but you were unable to act accordingly. You flinched when he came near, cried when he spoke, and broke down when Leo tried to help calm you down. He couldn't trust you anymore, not without the drug he stole just for you. He was willing to have you loopy and practically drunk if it meant you wouldn't run your mouth. In his mind, it was a small price to pay for your obedience.

"I'll be good, I promise." You sob, your voice muffled from the way he squished your cheeks in his hand. Donnie sighs, setting the pills and water down on the table beside you. He runs the now free hand through your hair, cooing softly as he waits for you to calm down. He'd wait forever if needed, but he'd prefer to get this over with. He was tired, and Leo would be coming to get him for patrol any minute. He needed you drugged, and fast.

"Don't make me force you sunshine," He coos, wiping a fallen tear with his thumb. He smiles softly as you sniffle. Despite the pain in his heart, it was nice to see you cry. No matter how ugly you insisted you were when the dams broke, he found it endearing. Your eyes puffed and lip set in a pout, with you clear eyes watering and shimmering as you sob. It was a beautiful sight, akin to butterfly trapped in a spiders web. He would never get tired of your tears.

You sob harder at his words, making him take in a deep breath. It was ten minutes until patrol, and the drug took at least fifteen to set in. He was running out of time. Frustrated, Donnie pries your mouth open with his thumb, dumping the first pill in. He watches you gag as your body fights it, but he holds your mouth closed until you swallow. He does the same with the next pill, watching in satisfaction as you take them both.

He hands you the water and lets you drink it, knowing what he had just done was probably hard on your throat. It had taken weeks to get you to swallow the first pill on your own, but he much preferred you figuring it out to him shoving it down your throat as if you were a cat at the vet. The pills he gave you couldn't be crushed, so swallowing was the only way for intake. He watches you down the whole drink in satisfaction, his mind more at ease. This pill would always be worth it.

Now that you have taken your pills, he moves to put the bottle back into his locked drawers. He had nightmares of you finding them and overdosing, so he made sure to go through every precaution. You were such a delicate but impulsive thing. It was entertaining, but would cause him to gray early if he had hair.

He returns to your side, watching your head loll forward with a smile as your eyes start to glaze over. He could tell you were fighting it, but it was futile. The drugs always won. He carefully picks you up, draping your arms over his shoulders as your legs wrap instinctively around your waist. He walks you over to his room, tucking you into his bed. The pill always made you drowsy at first, which was why he started having you take it before he left. You couldn't do much to run if you were out cold while he was gone. He steps back as you snuggle into the bed, too doped out to be worried or confused. He walks out when you finally drift off, just in time for patrol.


Words: 786

Posted: 10.13.23

A/N, not important: Another short one. Yay... Sorry if this one seems wonky, I tried. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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