Horrortober Day 31- Trapped(Yandere Rise Leo x Reader)

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CW: Alcohol, being trapped in a vehicle, party, underage drinking, kidnapping, unedited.

The phone in your hand rings a couple more times, your eyes darting back and forth between the lit up house and the dark street. The music was still blaring from inside, speakers pretty much pressed against the windows for mass volume. You could feel the ground vibrate beneath you, the trash and people littered on the lawn making the whole house look like a disaster waiting to happen. You can barely hear your phone's ringing that signified your call was going through over the loud sound, the lights leaking out the window making you even more nauseous. You could feel the mistakes of the night take a toll on your body, the accidentally consumed alcohol making your mind fuzzy. The bitter taste should have tipped you off, but you wrongly assumed it was just from the carbonation. You hadn't even fully realized what was in your drink until the third sip, your mind fogging over and making you panic.

The phone buzzes as Leo's muffled voice finally comes through, breaking you from your stupor. You lift the phone fully to your ear, trying to think of what to say. You blink as you stare forwards, unsure what to do. You had forgotten why you called him, unable to think as you stare out onto the dim street.

"I think I want to go home." You mumble, picking at the sleeves of your costume. The white button up of your vampire suit was starchy, and you swore you could feel it burning your skin. You wanted it off. You nod, agreeing with your own words as your voice starts to perk up. "Yeah, yeah. I do. Can you come pick me up? Please? My uh... My ride is gone."

Leo's quiet for a moment, and your stomach drops as you worry he's going to leave you here. You look back at the house, not wanting to go talk to anyone there and beg for a ride. The one person you knew here had already left, leaving you behind with a cup of spiked punch while swearing it was clean.

"I'll be there in a bit. Hang tight." Leo responds, his voice softer than you usually know it to be. You open your mouth to respond, but your phone turns off, Leo's contact shining brightly. You stare at the screen, feeling miffed. He hung up so quickly, you hadn't even told him where you were. You sit down on the grass, the long cape acting as a small buffer between your pants and the ground. You watch the air around you while you goof off on your phone, waiting for a familiar blue portal to open up next to you. You open up his contacts, deciding he just didn't know where you were, but the loud hum of an engine makes you stop.

Coming down the road was the turtle tank, it's fortified outside looking daunting as it comes towards you. One of the people on the lawn starts to shout happily at the sight of the tank, a plastic cup full of foul smelling liquid hitting the side. You grimace, knowing Donnie was going to make you scrub it from top to bottom once he notices.

You walk up to the door and let yourself in, Leo's impatient form sitting at the front of the tank. He pats the seat next to him as the door locks behind you, his eyes glued to the windshield and the road it showed.

"Thank you," You mumble as you sit down, frowning at his silence. Leo was never this quiet. He always had something to say, especially to you, and his new attitude worried you. You shift awkwardly while he just nods and starts to roll the tank down the road, his free leg bouncing erratically.

"Was it worth it?" He finally asks, after you had driven at least a mile down in silence. You look up at Leo, surprised that was his first question. He doesn't look at you, his jaw ticked to the side while he concentrates on the road. His body was slumped in the seat, his posture screaming relaxed if not for the erratic bouncing of his leg.

You chew on your cheek, unsure how to respond. His eyes dart to you, waiting for your answer, but you stay quiet. You know he was asking about the party, but his question was too broad to make it into your buzzed brain. Leo waits a minute more for you to answer before letting out a dramatic sigh, his eyes rolling in their sockets.

TMNT Horrortober(31 Yandere TMNT x Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now