Day 7- Night(Yandere 2012 Raph x Reader)

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CW: Mentioned abuse, bruises, fantasized death, bugs(roaches), kidnapped, restraints, yandere themes, dark themes

The lair was silent, kindly letting you breathe after another rough night. Not a sound could be heard, your ears more sensitive to the nonexistent sound than ever before. Your body still shook with the fear caused by your own horrid imagination, your hands held close to your chest and knees tucked tightly together. You do not dare move, lest you signal your presence to the beast in the room.

The beast breathes out a long breath, his snores mixing together with your own quick breaths to make a sad song of despair and captivity. Even his breathing held you down, silencing your own exhales with each rise of his chest. You could still feel the remnants of your dream burned into your skin, his hands on your legs, your arms, your neck. The bruises given were still there, remnants of punishments received earlier this morning. Or, yesterday morning you supposed. Time was so hard to tell now that he had taken away everything from the room. Your own little time capsule, where nothing changed except the placements of the bruises with each mistake you make.

The monster beside you shifts in his sleep, your mind freezing while panic overtakes your veins. His hold around your waist tightens, his beak buried in the back of your neck. It feels like hours before you can get your heart to stop pounding, to convince it to stop beating its loud, harsh drum. If there was light, you were sure your skin would seem deathly pale to the usual tone it was, both from fear and from the sickness that had nestled in your skin and settled into your bones. You commonly heard Leo chiding your captor outside his room, reminding him of the importance of sun and exercise for humans like you.

Your stomach rolls at the thought, knowing you were nothing more than a trophy for the mutant clinging to you like a child to its teddies. You wished deeply he would take his older brother's advice, your desire to see the sun greater than anything you've felt in your life. To feel the warmth on your skin, to see the rays shining down and the shadows from the natural light, you were certain it would heal every bruise and mark he has given you, curing any disease that had wormed its way under your skin.

You shift your legs under the blankets, the chain around your left ankle causing a sharp pain to shoot up your leg. You grimace, trying to let the limb calm down again and get used to the jabbing once more. You wouldn't risk shifting to the other side, not wanting to wake the beast. He was already awful when he was awake and happy. Sleepy and angry would be a death sentence.

The ache in your leg soon quiets to a dull throb, your eyes scanning the dark wall in front of your face. The vague shape of his drum set could be made out to your left, the cymbals tilted and sticks placed neatly on the seat. A thought flashes through your mind, the image of you smashing it while he leaves for patrol. Him coming back to his instrument ruined and cracked, each piece twisted and shattered beyond repair. You imagined his anger, his rage and the pain that always followed. But you also imagined the satisfaction that would mend the hole in your chest just slightly by knowing you had destroyed something he loved. Something irreplaceable.

The thought finally fades and you close your eyes for a second more, breathing deeply while you try to let your mind drift somewhere else. Somewhere that wasn't the sewers, or the dingy concrete room of an old subway station. The small skitter of miniscule legs catches your attention, and you smile knowingly. Despite the mutant's insisted cleanliness, the bugs always came through, only caring for a place to sleep and something to eat. They too had scared you at first, and your shrieks rivaled your captors when a bug got in. Unlike the monster in the bed, you had quickly gotten used to the inhabitants of the sewers, just as you had gotten used to the chain around your ankle. He had not.

Watching your captor shriek like a child at the bugs was entertaining now, a small victory that you treasured dearly. His fear was a reminder of his own weaknesses, of his own possible defeat. A fleeting wish was to die in this very bed, and let him come back to your roach infested body, the screams he would emit being music to your ears.

Sleep tugs at your brain once more, chasing away the dark thoughts and begging you to return to sleep. The night was still young, and he always did have the courtesy to let you sleep in. Even he knew it would be too much to make you adjust to his own schedule. You let your eyes close and your limbs tingle, sleep spreading through your nerves and reaching every last bit of you. You join the monster in rest, the two of you becoming one in the night.


Words: 860

Posted: 10.07.23

A/N, not important: Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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