Day 14- Stockholm(Yandere 2012 Donnie x Reader)

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CW: Kidnapping, manipulation, Stockholm syndrome, blood, broken nose, implied death, battery, dark themes, yandere themes

You sit in silence on the lab table Donnie left you on, swinging your legs back and forth over the floor. Your eyes were glassy, a thousand yard stare overtaking the once intelligent look you carried. You looked vacant, like you had been stripped down of your old personality. April watches you from behind the door, frowning. It hurts to see you like this, to see you so broken. She could barely remember the last time you had an independent thought, couldn't remember the last time you smiled over something that wasn't related to Donnie.

Sure, your smiles seemed real, but they were all child-like. Wide and forced, with teeth showing while you laughed. Not how you used to smile at all. You had forgotten so much of yourself, and April was tired of seeing you wither away. Donnie's brothers obviously weren't going to help, so it was up to her alone. The ginger breathes in and out, trying to gain some nerve. She knew Donnie was probably watching you through some camera, but she didn't care. She refuses to let her friend be hurt any longer.

April walks into the lab, making a beeline towards you. She stops in front of you, waiting patiently and worriedly for your eyes to drift over to hers. A lump is stuck in her throat as she takes you in, Your face sunken in and doll-like from the years of torment Donnie had put you through.

"Hello April." You greet softly, your voice airy. She sucks in a sharp breath at the sound, tears gathering in her eyes. She couldn't believe this was what you sounded like now, so small and diminished. You were so confident before Donnie's obsession changed to target you. April couldn't help but feel at fault.

"Hi (Y/n). Where's Donnie?" She tries to keep her voice even and soft, not wanting to scare you or make you feel uneasy. She wanted to make sure you trusted her. Trying to save you would not be easy if you found her threatening.

You shake your head at the question, your eyes already drifting to look at the walls behind her. Your focus was even worse than before, and your eyes were dull. It was like you couldn't even see her anymore, like you were drifting through the world in a void that only kept you and Donnie in its clutches. It made her sick. April lets herself calm down, nodding slowly as she grabs your hand. She doesn't miss how your eyes immediately snap over to the touch, your body shaking slightly.

Your hands were freezing despite the warm clothing you wore. The lab wasn't all that chilly either, so April couldn't understand why you felt like frost. April shakes her head. It wasn't important. She could help get you back to health later, after she had gotten you away from Donnie. He was bad for you, and it was like April was the only one who could see it. Even Casey stopped caring once you seemed to reciprocate Donnie's affection, the mutant's eyes filled with smug satisfaction.

"I'm going to get you out of here." She mumbles, squeezing your hand in hopes to bring some warmth to the skin. It was tragic to see you like this. She couldn't help but compare you to a corpse in her mind, something that had been dead for a long time. "I know, I should have helped sooner, but Donnie... He tricked us all. I'm so, so sorry."

You don't react to her, still sitting numbly on the table with your legs swinging back and forth. You pull your hand back, moving the cold limb to the inside of your sweatshirt's pocket. "I don't want to go."

April stares at you in slight shock and wonder, her face crumbling into a look of pity. "Oh... Oh honey. I really am too late. Well, that's fine. I'm not leaving without you. My dad's a scientist, he can help. You're going to be okay."

She doesn't take notice of the frown that pulls your lips, your face stretching into a more unnatural look for you as of late. April tugs lightly at your sweatshirt, trying to get you to come off the table. You may be smaller than you once were, but April wasn't positive she could carry you. She needed you to walk. You don't move despite her tugging, your legs no longer swinging as they try to clamp to the table your hands holding back.

"No! No, I'm not going!"

You push April back, your eyes cloudy and dark. April takes a step back, surprised. She didn't think you were able to react at all anymore. She hovers just a few feet away, unsure how to move forward. She needed you to understand she was helping. She needed to get you out.

"(Y/n), I know it's scary," She starts, her voice gentle and smooth like she was talking to a wild animal. Maybe that's what you were now. Something skittish and feral, only responding to your owners whims. "But you have to come with me. I'm going to get you out of here."

April reaches out and tugs on your clothes again in an attempt to pull you down from the table, but you just simply push her back again. You look distraught, your face puffy while you start to kick and thrash whenever she comes near. It was annoying, but manageable. All April had to do was dodge your flying limbs. She shoots her hand out and grabs you by the collar, tugging you down from the table in short succession. You fall off and stumble forward, catching yourself enough to keep yourself from falling.

April looks pleased, her face smug as she nods. She doesn't see how blank your face was or the way your hands shook. She doesn't care about the swirling fear and anger in your eyes. She never noticed how upset you were until you opened your mouth, and screamed.

Immediately, April starts to panic. She moves closer to you and tries to cover your mouth, hushing you and trying to get you to stop. It only makes you scream louder, your voice making its way through the lair and alerting every occupant. The door to the lab opens, and in comes a panicked Donnie. He assesses the situation in seconds, his eyes dark as he rushes over to you and shoves April to the side. He scoops you up into his arms with ease, your legs naturally wrapping around his waist as your arms loop behind his neck.

"What are you doing?" He hisses at April, taking a step towards her. The red-haired girl stutters as she steps back, trying her best not to trip over anything. He stalks towards her, forcing her deeper into the lab before her back hits the wall. Donnie stands over her, his red eyes covered in full white as he looks down at her. April shrinks back, patting her pockets for her Tessen.

Her heart drops as she realizes she can't find it, her stance slowly changing into one for fighting. She was unbalanced and unsure, not at all prepared to fight. Donnie snorts at the poor form, shifting you in his arms. April ducks at the punch Donnie throws, realizing a second to late it was a feint before Donnie's knee crashes right into her nose. She crumples over, a gargled scream coming from her lips as blood pours down her face from her smashed nose. Tears spring in her eyes, the pain from her broken face making her sob. She didn't even notice when Donnie brought his foot down on her head, her vision quickly going black.

Donnie steps back, adjusting you to fit in his arms better. He walks backwards to his room, not wanting you to see the mess he made on his lab floor. He grimaces, knowing he'd have to clean it up later. It was a miracle his brothers were out still.

"Thank you, love." He mutters, kissing your temple as he crosses the threshold of his dim room. You mumble something he can't quite understand, but Donnie brushes it off. You had done what you were supposed to, and he was forever thankful. He leaves you on the bed, making sure you are comfortable before heading to the supply room. He had a mess to clean.


Words: 1404

Posted: 10.14.23

A/N, not important: Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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