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dan slipped off his skinny jeans before pulling on the leggings. he had to admit, they felt amazing. they were like his skinnies but so much softer!.

he opened up the camera app on his phone and awkwardly took a picture of his reflection in his sisters full length mirror. he made sure he didn't capture his face just to get phil back for not showing his.

he sent it to phil before carefully putting everything back into place and heading back to his room.

sparkly-thundershot: seriously? body. goals.

dan bit his lip to stop himself smiling but he couldn't help the huge grin on his face.

silvery-vision: really?

sparkly-thundershot: definitely! i'm so jealous! anyway did you like them?

silvery-vision: i guess...

sparkly-thundershot: liar you loved them

silvery-vision: yeah i did :)

sparkly-thundershot: who doesn't love them?

silvery-vision: i am now very jealous of girls who get to wear these clothes

sparkly-thundershot: i've been jealous since i wore my cousins princess dress when i was nine :P

phil fiddled with a stray piece of string which hung from his beanie. he thought for a moment before typing something else.

sparkly-thundershot: asls?

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