another authors note oops

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sparkly-thundershot: where art thou author?

silvery-vision: she dead, move on philly

sparkly-thundershot: but it's been four months and she still ain't hear

silvery-vision: r.i.p zeelalife, she wrote a kinda decent book i guess that kinda got big

sparkly-thundershot: what a lovely eulogy

silvery-vision: i wanna show the readers our smut scene


silvery-vision: we're porn stars aren't we?

sparkly-thundershot: i am okay with that

buttlikefrnkiero: what do you boys want?

silvery-vision: i think it's more what your readers want

sparkly-thundershot: where's the next chapter??

buttlikefrnkiero: it' soon? i think

sparkly-thundershot: hmmm sure

buttlikefrnkiero: june 18th

silvery-vision: that's another freaking month!!

buttlikefrnkiero: i know i know but that's the day after i finish college, i have a lot of shit going on atm

sparkly-thundershot: awh okay :( take your time <3

buttlikefrnkiero: thanks phil

silvery-vision: aight fine...but update plz

buttlikefrnkiero: get fucked dan

silvery-vision: i did but someone wont write the DAMN SMUT CHAPTER

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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