2. The One With The Date

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Chapter Two

"How do I look? Do I look like I tried too much? Do I look too lazy?" Ross asked nervous while he looks in the long length mirror, fixing his tie.

I flatten out his suit and smile. "No, you look stunning"

His eyes meet mine. "Really? You think so?" I nod and he smiles, kissing my forehead. "Thanks Rachel, you're the best"

I smile in a know-it-all-matter. "Don't have to tell me twice"

He lightly chuckles and there was a knock at the door, making him look at me nervous. "Can you answer that for me please-"

"Oh Ross I.. I don't-"

"Please? I need to fix my hair real quick I promise one second"

I sigh out and nod, walking out his bathroom. I walk to his door and opened the door. She was smiling and looks at me.

"Oh, I was expecting Ross to answer the door"

"Uh yeah, me too." I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and give her a false smile. "He's putting on his shoes right now so if you want to take a seat on the couch or so"

"Oh of course, that'll be nice" I nod and smile. She rocks on her feet back and forth and smiles awkwardly. "Um, are you gonna let me in?"

"Oh! Right right!" I laugh embarrassed and open the door wider, letting her in. She automatically takes a seat on the couch and I close the door.

"So, who are you?" She asked politely. "Are you like his sister?"

"Um no. Not exactly" I take a seat on the arm rest. "I'm his best friend"

"Oh that type" she quickly raises her eyebrows and looks away.

"No no we don't do any of that... Yeah" I quickly shake my hands. "We're just best friends, and that's it. Strict best friends"

"I think it's adorable"

Adorable? She thinks me and Ross being best friends is adorable?

"Um.. Thanks?"

Just on cue, Ross walks out once again adjusting his tie and I'm happy he came out before the awkwardness fell upon us.

"Oh, you look gorgeous" Ross walks up to this girl and kisses her cheek making me grimace and look away.

"You look good yourself" She gushed and keeps her hands on his arms.

I look over at them and smile. "Well I'm gonna head over to Monica's"

"Okay, thank you again Rachel"

I nod and wave to them both and walk out.


"Hes still not back?" I ask annoyed, pacing back and forth.

"What are you? His mother?" Monica asked laughing slightly at her little joke, I stop pacing and glare at her.

"I can't help it, if this date went well they clearly went back to his place and I can't deal with that image in my head"

Monica grimaces. "Neither can I so thanks for leaving it in my head also"

I groan loudly and sit next to Monica, my arms crossed. "Do you think he had a good time?"

"If he didn't, he would've been here by now. Let's face it Rachel, if you don't tell him now, she'll be the one kissing Ross"

I run my hands through my hair then hide my face in my hands. "Why am I stupid?!" I shake my head and lift my head up, looking at Monica. "Why is it so hard?"

"Imagine how I took it when I found out you loved my brother like that, he's been waiting since high school for you"

"Do you think his feelings are still the same?" I asked, a little bit of hope in my tone.

Just then the door opens and in walk Phoebe. "Feelings for who are the same?" She walks over to us and sits on the arm chair.

"Uhhh" I look at Monica for help but the look on her face didn't give me the answer I was looking for. "Um, remember that Russian dude I dated a while back?"

"Oh yeah!" she shakes her head in disapproval. "Such a perverted freak!"

"Yeah well him.. I um I'm-"

"Lying" Monica glared at me and looks at Phoebe. "Rachel's lying"

"So what? What is it?" Phoebe looked concerned.

"Monica no" my eyes widen and I glanced at Phoebe.

"Rach, come on, Phoebe is our best friend, she deserves to know" Monica pats my knee and I sigh, nodding.

"You're right... Pheebs.. I.. I love Ross"

"Yeah okay? We all do, though there's days where I'm just not very fund of him"

"No no hun" I quickly correct her. "I love.. love Ross"

Her eyes widen. "Oh my god..."

"I know.."

She jumps up now. "OH MY GOD, YOU LOVE ROSS"

I jump up also and wave my hands her way. "SHHHH SHH!!!! NO ONE can know about this Phoebe"

"HOW LONG-" she stops herself and lowers her voice. "How long?"

I shrug my shoulders. "For a while now" I smile. "I can't help it"

"Well are you gonna tell him?"

I look at Monica and then back at Phoebe and groan, throwing myself on the couch. "I don't knooww" I whine. "I want to but I'm scared"

"But scared is good!" Phoebe yells happily.

"I'm also scared of losing our friendship over this"

"Oh please Ross wouldn't want to lose you over something like this. It's Ross we're talking about, he's probably gonna be shocked and run home to tell all his dinosaur friends about it"

Monica snickers and I smile and crinkle my nose. "I don't know... I kind of think his science obsession is cute"

"You're just saying that cause you love him" Monica retorts

"And you only say Chandler is not an embarrassment cause he's your best friend" I shot back, making Monica look at me and then look down, staying shut.

"OKAY guys" Phoebe uses both her hands to wave us down. "Rachel, you need to tell Ross, he's going on dates after dates and before you know it, he's going to find the one"

I cross my arms and stomp my feet. "But I'm the one!"

"So you have to tell him, tonight"

I nod and rub my knees uneasily. "You're right.. I do.."


I breathe out shakily and knock on Ross' door. I hear movement and soon enough, he appears, smiling. "Hey Rach, what are you doing here?"

"I have to talk to you about something really important.."

"I'm sorry I wish you can but I'm kind of busy.."

I look over and see the girl he went on a date with, sitting on his couch with two wine glasses on the table. I look at ross and he has a sorry look on his face.

I smile and wave my hand dismissively. "It's no biggie, it actually wasn't that important" I laugh it off and pat his chest.

"Rach, are you sure? Cause I can give you a few minutes if you..-"

"No no no!" I quickly object. "Spend time with.. Uh.." I scratch my head. "Um what's her face-"


"Katlyn!" I yell a little too happy. "Yes, Kate, spend time with her" the fake smile never leaving my face. "You both seem happy together, spend time, go"

He smiled and hugs me. "Thanks.. I'll see you tomorrow"

I nod and turn around, walking away, hearing the door close. I frown and look behind me, whispering. "Yeah.. See you."

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