13. The One Where Chandler's Dad Visits

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Chapter Thirteen

"That did not happen" Monica asked amazed while Joey nodded.

"It did! He said he loved my butt and the structure so he gave me the part!"

"Oh how I love conversations about butts and people auditioning for it" Chandler says sarcastically.

"So Chandler, when's your dad coming down?" Joey asked looking at him.

Chandler looks at him like he had nine heads. "Never? I haven't spoken to him in 12 years"

"That's not what your answering machine said"


"He left you a voice mail!" Joey takes a bite of his muffin.


"Hey Chandler, it's your father. I'm going to new York in a few days and was wondering if I can stop by. Something like that"

"How long ago was this?!" Chandler yells.

"Uh 3 days ago?"

"And why are you just telling me now?!"

"Hey! Hey! I wanted some hype for my butt audition!"

Chandlers eyes widen and he muttered incoherent words under his breath.

"Oh my god Chandler! This is so exciting!" Phoebe exclaims.

"OH yeah, how? I can't stand him"

Phoebe rolls her eyes. "Look, IF I had the opportunity to see my father again after 12 years, I would"

"Well I'm glad but I'm not" Chandler stands up.

"So that's it, he's gonna be in New York probably sometime today and you're just gonna act like he doesn't exist?"

"I've been doing it for 12 years, it doesn't hurt to continue it" and with that Chandler walks out causing Phoebe, Joey and Monica to sigh out.


"Not yet" Rachel kept repeating while she lead Ross in the house. She made sure he didn't step on anything. She stops him and smiles. "Okay take off your blindfold"

Ross does as he's told and looks around. "Wow this is nice Rach" he now looks at her. "It's simple yet amazing, thank you"

She had pillows and blankets on the floor with rose petals around and two candles lit. It was simple but romantic enough.

She continues smiling, proud of her work. She puts her hands around his neck and softly kisses him. "Now, I don't have to worry about anyone interrupting us and overly priced food"

Ross chuckled and softly kisses her before pulling away. "So what on the agenda?"

She grimaced. "Well firstly, we're not gonna say that again. And second, I think we should cuddle up and watch a movie, order some Chinese and then take a nice hot bubble bath..." Rachel starts playing with his tie.

"Sounds perfect"

"So you order the Chinese while I look for a movie, yeah?"

Ross nods and picks up the house phone, looking for the Chinese menu. Rachel looks through his movies and groan. Why does he have so much dinosaur crap?

Rachel wanted to find a romantic but she probably wasnt gonna find any in that pile. Thank God she brought one herself.

One of the best romantic movies ever, the notebook.

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