18. The One Where Rachel's Sister Visits

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Chapter Eighteen

"Guys, remember just bare with her please"

"Why? Last time I seen her, she insulted me!" Monica yells bitter.

"Look, I was the same when I first came down here and you guys made me independent and now look at me"

"Difference is, she's not all there" Ross crosses his arms.

Rachel rolls her eyes at Monica's and Ross' bitterness. Yeah so her sister can be a bit of a bitch but that doesn't mean she isn't human like them all? Why wouldn't she act like one when she has all the money and friends in the world.

"She's coming and you have to respect her, whether you like it or not"

"So looks like I'm gonna beg my boss to let me work overtime" Monica smiles sarcastically.

"You're still gonna have to deal with her since she's gonna be living here with you"

"Excuse me?"

"I told her she can have my room for a few days" Rachel quickly adds.

Monica shakes her head. "There's no way she's staying here!"

"Cmon Mon!" Rachel now begs. "Maybe the few days she's here we'll knock some sense into her"

Monica looks over at Ross and then back at Rachel. "Fine.. But if she pisses me off, she's out the door"

"Yay thanks!" Rachel squeals and hugs Monica.

"So, where are you gonna sleep?"

"I'll crash at Ross' for a few days"

"Aw would you look at that! I deal with your sister and you have fun with your boyfriend!"

Rachel rolls her eyes. "Give her a chance, okay?"
"Whatever" Monica muttered.


"Hiiii!" Amy, Rachel's sister screamed as she ran into Monica's house.

"Hey!" Rachel goes to hug her.

Amy declined the hug and goes over to Ross. "And you are?"

Ross looks over at her like she's stupid. "Ross.."

"Funny, there was this really unattractive geeky kid named Ross who Rachel knew"

He stares blankly at her. "Yep. That was me"

Amy laughs and playfully hits him. "No silly, I mean he was really geeky, all into dinosaurs and science"

"Again, still me"

"You're not understanding, he was-"

Ross smiles and holds up an index finger. "You're not understanding either. It was me, me, me, me me, all me."

"And you are?" Amy looks over at Monica. "WAIT! Monica!"

"Yeah that's me!"

"Oh my god! It's been so long! Nothing has changed I see"

Monica looks at her offended. "Um are you sure? The last time I seen you, I was finishing high school and you were starting high school"

"Nope. Still the same Monica like I remembered!"

"You know, nothing changed psychically about me?"

"No? Well I mean you are a bit slower now than the last time I seen you" Amy admits.

"I was overweight the last time I saw you"

Amy raised her eyebrows and looked at Monica up and down. "Wow really? Never noticed it"

"You insulted me and called me a cow!"

Rachel jumps in before it got anymore serious. "So yeah, you met Monica and Ross!"

"Wish she never did" Monica complains bitterly.
Joey now walks in and smirks as he lays eyes on Amy. "How you doin'?"

Amy grimaced while she looked at Joey. "Who's the weirdo?"

Joey drops his smirk and places his hand on his hip. "Hey! I'll have you know that line works on plenty of women"

"Amy, meet Joey and Joey, meet my sister, Amy" Rachel gives Joey a look and his eyebrows raised.

"OH, so you're the one that Rachel couldn't stop talking about"

Amy turns around. "You couldnt stop talking about me?"

"Well I mean, I haven't seen you since I moved down here and I missed you" Rachel admits, smiling.

Amy placed a hand on her heart and frowns. "Aw Rach... So any place where I can put these suitcases at?"

Rachel's smile faded.

"Yeah in that room" Monica lazily points.

"Um, okay ew? I thought I was gonna stay at some place you know.. Fancier?"

Monica rolls her eyes. "This is the nicest and cleanest it gets. Deal with it"

"I rather not deal with it"

"Fine fine, how about Joeys?" Rachel suggests and Joey immediately smirks.

"EW NO, creep alert"

Joey gasps and was about to open his mouth but Rachel cut him off. "Well there's Phoebe's, but you'll never last a day in her house"

"How come?" Amy asked interested

"Well... She's just. A lot more different than you. You both have nothing in common"

"Oh and we do?" Monica asked since Amy was originally supposed to stay with her first.

Rachel sighs. "I don't have any other optio- wait! You can stay with Ross!"

"The dinosaur freak?"

"Don't I get a say in this?" Ross tried to argue.

"No you don't" Rachel smiles at him and looks back at Amy. "So yeah?"

Amy looks at Ross and shrugs. "I guess it's better than the creep and the cleaning lady"

Joey and Monica glare at her.

"But Rach, I don't have an extra room"

"It's fine! I'll stay at Mons and you let Amy sleep in your room"

"Not very comfortable with that idea" the thought of sleeping with Rachels sister? No thanks.

"You can take the couch right Ross?" Rachel demanded but tried to put on a pleading voice.

Ross tried to sound happy but he couldn't. "Oh this is gonna be so fun. I already can't wait"

"Make sure you put new sheets on the bed oh and my bags are right there" Amy smiles and takes a seat on Monica's couch.

"I'm not a Butler" Ross sarcastically smiles. "Sorry to disappoint"

"It's fine, Ill do it" Rachel walks over and lifts up two suitcases. "Ross come over here"

Ross goes over and Rachel smiles. "Wanna help"
"No thank-"

"I'm sorry that wasn't a question."

Ross gives Rachel a blank look and just picks up the other suitcases.


"What did this girl pack!? The whole country!?"

"Actually her entire wardrobe"

Ross looks at Rachel unamused and takes a seat on his couch, leaving the suitcases on the floor. "I don't get why she has to stay with me"

"Cause you're being real nice right now and I appreciate it" Rachel walks over and sits on his lap. "I know she's a pain but she's still my baby sister"

Ross just breathes out.

Rachel kissed his cheek. "Thank you for doing this. I love you"

"Yeah, I love you too"

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