7. The One With Monica's Big Secret

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Chapter Seven

"You're cheerful this morning" Monica states the obvious about Rachel.

"That is the face of a girl who got laid.." Joey points out and winks at Rachel.

Monica gasped. "You slept with Ross didn't you!?"

"What? No no. Don't be ridiculous Mon." Rachel waves her off. "I just can't be happy?"

"She's obviously happy cause it's a beautiful day out" Phoebe adds and Rachel smiles.

"Exactly, thank you Phoebe"

"And because the love of her life is now single once again"

Joey and Monica chuckle.

"OH so that's what this is about?"

Rachel leans her elbow on the table and places a hand behind her head and looks away. "I don't know what you're talking about"

"Oh come on, it's totally obvious now!" Phoebe walks into the kitchen. "So are you gonna tell him?"
"Nope, I'm just gonna let fate work itself"

"Cause that works out perfectly" pure sarcasm laced in Monica's tone.

"Admit guys, if I told you guys I was gonna tell Ross how I felt, something would come up!"

"That's not true"

"Uh yeah it is" Rachel protested. "The first time, he had a date, second time he was with Kate, third time was his job, fourth time... Well I forgot but I don't want there to be a fifth time"

"What makes you so sure he's not gonna find a girlfriend?"

"He's still stuck on Kate, plus, he said he wants to focus on himself so"

Chandler smiles. "Well looks like everything turned out well"

Joey goes in the fridge and whines. "Who ate the last piece of cheesecake!?"

"Oh I did, I was eating away my feelings" Rachel gives Joey a apologetic smile.

"You owe me a new cheesecake" his eyes widen and he points at her angrily.

Ross walks in. "Hey guys, guess what?"

"What?" they all spoke in the same sync.

"I met this girl today"

That caught Rachel's attention as her head shot up. "And?"

"She's really sweet and so pretty"

"What happened to settling down and focusing on yourself?"

"No no I am" Ross corrects. "It's just, she can be a good distraction from Kate. You know, friend wise"

"Hey! What about us?" Joey asked offended.

"She loves Paleontologists and you guys don't care for it"

"PFFFTT." Rachel fake laughs now. "We care about your dinosaur job"

"Paleontologist!" Ross now repeats and says it a little louder. "Anyways, I don't need a girlfriend to be happy"

Rachel smiles and smacks the table with her hand. "That's right! Be independent! Right girls?"

The girls all look away. "OH wait! That reminds me, I have a date" Phoebe checks her watch and smiles. "And I'm already fashionably late" She grabs her coat and walks out.

"Mon?" Rachel asked hopeful.

"Uh yeah! Sure"

Rachel rolls her eyes. Ross takes a seat across from Rachel. "Hey Mon, you cooking for Thanksgiving?"

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