16. The One With The Terrible Anniversary

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Chapter Sixteen

"Wow I can't believe it's already been a year since my brother and you been together"

"I know" Rachel smiles and grabs a hold of Ross' fingers, looking at him, giving him a soft kiss. "I couldn't be more happier"

"So what do you guys got planned for tonight?" Joey wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ross insisted he planned our first year anniversary so that's for him to know and me to find out" Rachel gushed, causing Ross' eyes to secretly get wide.

He didn't remember telling Rachel that? Maybe that's her cover up since she didn't have anything planned either? What was he gonna do? What the hell can he possibly plan in the next few hours?

"So Ross, what's happening tonight?"

Everyone turned their attention to him causing his palms to get sweaty and he fixes his tie. "Well I mean, I was kinda tryna, you know, keep it secret. I wanna surprise Rachel"

Yeah it was gonna be a surprise alright.

Rachel cooes an 'aww' and gives him a quick kiss. "Well I have to head to work so I'll see you later on tonight?"

"Of course." Ross now gives her a kiss. She waves bye to everyone and walks out.

"You have no idea what to do for your anniversary huh?" Monica now speaks up.

"YES I do! Pfft.. Why would you-" everyone stares at him. "No, no I don't and I'm freaking out!"

"Calm down, I'm sure there's some ideas you can think of"

"Oh yeah really? Cause I got none"

"How about Monica's restaurant?"

Monica nods. "Yeah and since you guys are a year, it's all on me--well not really but it'll be free, I'm just not the one that's gonna be paying for it. My restaurant will-"

"Got it" Ross cuts her off giving her a dull look. "Thanks Mon but we already went there plenty of times and for our first date. I want to bring her somewhere really special and romantic, where we can have a good time, no interruptions-"

"Take her to your bedroom!" Joey points out. Ross rolls his eyes.

"Yeah that'll get the ball going"

"Try a moonlit candle dinner? Or a dinner on a boat?"

"Oh my god Pheebs you're a genius!" Ross exclaims happily and runs over, hugging her. He runs out the coffeehouse to go make a few calls.

Phoebe smiles and leans in her seat. "And you all don't ask me for ideas"


"I said it was for 2 people not 1!" Ross yells frustrated. "It's not a blind date! I already have a girl-"

Just then the door opens and Rachel walks in, looking upset. Ross quickly plays it off. "Uh nope, she's not here I'll give her the message" he hangs up and walks over to her, hugging her.

"Who was that?"

"Some person it doesn't matter but, why are you so upset and home so early?"

"They're debating of cutting my hours!" Rachel whines and slumps into the kitchen chair. "I guess to hire new people they need to cut down hours"

He bends down to be eye level with her. "Oh Rach I'm sorry to hear that"

"It's fine, you wanna know why?"


She slightly smiles and softly strokes his cheek. "Cause the only thing that was making me smile today was the fact that today was our anniversary and you had so much planned for us"

Ross felt himself panic as he chuckles. "Of course I do because I love you"

"And I love you too" she smiles and kisses me. "Now I'm gonna go shower and get ready"

"You go do that, don't wanna miss our plans for tonight" Ross stands up and Rachel gets up, heading into the bathroom.

Ross was beyond freaking out now. He grabs Monica's phone and goes into the hallway, dialing the same number back. "Uh yeah hello, it's Ross the guy that was talking to you earlier... Hello? Hellllllo?" he takes the phone away from his ear and seen they hung up.

He walks back into Monica's and puts the phone on the counter. He starts pacing. So, dinner on a boat or on the beach is off limits since apparently you can't call a few hours ahead or call when you have a girlfriend.

Phoebe walks in causing Ross to rush over to her. "Phoebe help me, I couldn't make the reservations"

"Oh no, why not?"

"Some complications, do you have any more ideas?" Ross asked desperate.

"I'm gonna have to start charging!"

"Phoebe please. This day is really important to her, as well as it is to me"

"I'm sorry Ross, I really don't know" Phoebe frowns. "But hey! Look on the bright side! At least you know not to plan for next year's anniversary!"

Ross puts his hands on his hips and walks out.


"No peaking!" Ross continuously kept saying while Rachel was smiling and holding onto her blind fold. "OKAY.. Take it off!"

Rachel takes it off and looks around, a little confused. "We're in your room?"

"I know, isn't it great! We got the dvds, the rose petals, the wine! It's gonna be, you know, a relaxed anniversary!"


"And I know how much you love being here so why not celebrate our love, here!"


"I mean, I would've done something better but I wanted to make *you* happy-"

"ROSS!" Rachel now screams to get his attention. "What's going on? You seemed antsy all day"

"Antsy? Antsy? I'm not antsy what are you talking about? I'm just happy cause of our love and I don't want it to end! Love is powerful, love is-"

"Ross if you don't tell me what's up with you, I'm leaving"

Ross stops smiling and frowns, giving up. "Fine.. Here's the truth.. I didn't have anything planned for today"

"What? Why?"

"Because I didn't know I was planning it. I could've sworn we were just gonna exchange gifts and hang out the entire day."

"And that's okay cause I love spending time with you. That's all that matters. Today we're celebrating us"

He smiles and kisses her passionately, causing her to kiss back. He slightly tilts his head to deepen the kiss. Her hands wrap themselves around his neck.

He softly pulls away and smiles. "And this is why I love you.. You're so simple"

"Other days I would've found that offensive but today, I don't even care." Rachel admits, causing Ross to chuckle. They both lean in for another kiss.

While passionately kissing, Rachel walks them backwards so the back of Ross' knees hit the bed. He sits down, not breaking the kiss.

Rachel straddles him and softly pushes his body body down. She takes off her shirt, exposing her red laced bra, causing Ross to cup her breasts that were still be supported by her bra.

"Happy anniversary" she whispers to him before kissing him again.


I skipped ahead of time and just said they've been together for a year now because I didn't want one chapter to always count as one day they've been dating, that'll take too long!

But hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading, love you all! :)

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