14. The One With The Stalker

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Chapter Fourteen

"So, I heard that you were there the entire time Chandler seen his, uh, father?"

Monica smiles proudly as she puts down her mug. "I did"

"So, did anything happen?"

"With him and his father?"

"No, you and him! Did you two make up? Kiss?"

"No" Monica didn't even see bothered by it though.

"That wouldve the perfect time to tell him"

"Don't you think he's had enough shocking news for one day?"

Rachel rolls her eyes. "Come on, Mon. Don't you love him?"

"I think I do? I don't know anymore. I wish we were still together, then again, I love our friendship too much to wish to be with him again"

Rachel gives her a soft smile and pats her leg. "Then I'm glad you're looking at it this way"

"But how was your date with Ross?"

"It was really good" Rachel starts to blush. "Oh and it only costs us 30$ to get food and we had leftovers"

Monica rolls her eyes. "But, that smile on your face when I asked how the date went..." she gasps now. "Did you two sleep together?"

Rachel looks around and sees Gunther look up but she brushes him off. "Shh! But.. Maybe"

"Do you think you both will last forever?"

"I can't predict that but I sure hope so. I know he's the one, I feel it"

Monica now gives her a genuine smile. "I know he's the one for you, just like you're the one for him."


"How was work?" Rachel asked as she places a soft kiss on his lips.

"Great, it's just the kids running around the museum asking to use the bones on the dinosaur as fighting sticks"

Rachel softly giggles. "Well no kid goes to the museum to learn"

Ross just gives her a look and sits down on Monica's couch. "So how was your day?"

"Good thanks, it was a slow day and I missed you so much"

Ross smiles and motions for her to come over. Rachel goes over and sits on his lap as she wraps his arms around his neck.

Just then the door opens and in walks Monica with Phoebe. "Oh, get a room!" Phoebe exclaims.

Rachel laughs and gets up, walking over to the girls. "Where were you both?"

"Stalking my stalker"

Rachel looks at Phoebe like she had 10 heads. "Um, what?"

"No no, I had this stalker that's been following me around for days now so I decided to stalk him back!"

"Oh my god Pheebs! Get a restraining order against him!"

"I already told her that" Monica cuts in.

"But you were just with her stalking him!"

"I wanted to see if I knew him!" she yelled defensively.

"Yeah but I didn't see him around" Phoebe sighs. "I want to ask why he's stalking me"

Rachel pats her shoulders. "Good luck with that"

"Oh also, remember that guy I was telling you about that signed me?" Rachel nods so Phoebe continues. "Turns out he was a scam"

Rachel frowns. "Oh Pheebs.. I'm sorry"

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