23. The One Where Amy Likes.....Chandler?

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Chapter Twenty-Three

"How you feeling?" Monica asked, placing a palm on Rachel's forehead once she walked through the door.

Rachel had called Monica telling her she wasn't feeling too well and she was heading home.

"Sick, I wanna puke my guts out" Rachel whines and slowly walks to the couch, she carefully lays down, trying to not upset her stomach. She grabs the knitted blanket that was on the couch and wraps it around her.

"I'll make you some soup right now" Monica generously offered. Rachel was so grateful for Monica right now.

Monica's door opens and in walks Ross, looking worried. "Wheres Rach?"

"Right here" Rachel mumbled.

Ross walks over and sits on the coffee table, grabbing Rachel's hand. "Are you okay?" he kisses her hand. "What happened?"

"Some flu or expired food.. It just happened when I was at work. It must've been a bagel I ate" Rachel lied smoothly

Ross sighs and leans over, kissing her forehead. "I'm here now."

Rachel smiles and strokes his hand with her thumb.
"So, since you're not doing overtime, who covered for you?" Monica asked while cooking the soup.


That caught Ross' attention as he looked directly at Rachel. "B-br-brad? Brad? What was Brad doing there?"

"Picking up his keys he left and then he seen me sick and offered to cover for me and dropped me off"

"Why would he do that?" Ross asked curious. Rachel looks at him confused.

"Cause he's actually not that heartless?"

"Clearly he doesn't hate you, if you did he wouldn't have done these nice things" Ross pointed out.

Rachel gulps, completely forgetting Brad admitted to liking her. Ross can't find this out cause he will think wrong but Rachel doesn't like Brad at all. It just sucks and hurts that Ross is so intimated by him, he won't believe it.

"It's okay Ross" Rachel now kisses his hand. "You're here with me now and you will be, okay?"

Ross slowly nods, still trying to figure out why Brad would do that.


"Look what I got!" Amy brags and runs into the coffeehouse with at least 5 bags in each arm.

Rachel rolls her eyes, not in the mood for her sister. She cuddled up closer to Ross.

"OH look, the devil has arrived" Chandler muttered annoyed and takes a sip of his coffee.

"I got so much things! Everything was on sale!"

"Can you not yell?" Rachel groaned.

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Amy looks through the bag. "If it makes you feel better, I'll give you some stuff from Victoria Secret"

"I'll take some" Monica butts in, eyeing the bag like it was candy. Amy sits in-between Rachel and Chandler, making everyone squished.

"You wouldn't be able to pull it off" Amy admits, grimacing.

Monica glared at her, wanting to spill her hot coffee on Amy this second.

"I'll take some" Chandler jokes. Amy laughs and playfully hits him.

"You're so silly!" Everyone looked at her weird, even Chandler. Amy now eyes him. "I think a Ralph Lauren suit would look really good on you, I can buy it for you" she shrugs and continues looking through her bags.

Chandler's eyes widen, feeling uncomfortable and he puts his coffee down. "I'll be in the bathroom. Don't wait up for me" he now leaves.
Rachel looks over at Amy. "Hey, what was that about?"

"What was what about?" Amy asked clueless.

"You basically complimenting Chandler and laughing at his jokes..."

"Oh he's funny so?"

Rachel threw her head back in annoyance, almost hitting Ross' mouth. "You hated him, no girls find Chandler attractive unless they're insecure about themselves."

"Hey!" Monica shouted offended, causing everyone to look at her. Rachel's eyes widen. "Hey! Gunther! Can you give me another muffin?" Monica played it off.

"Look, he's attractive okay? And his attitude towards me is a bit of a turn on" Amy admits, slightly blushing.

Everyone groans and makes gagging sounds, causing Amy to shrug them off.

"It's weird.. You're going for an... Average guy"

"Look, he's right. I need to be independent and maybe he can help me"

Rachel genuinely smiles. "REALLY?"

Amy scoffs and laughs. "No" she stands up. "Well Ross, I'm gonna put this in my room and I expect them to be put in my drawer when I came back from Chandlers"

"Okay master" Ross sarcastically answers while Amy walks out.

"Just 2 more days" Rachel whispers and kisses Ross' cheek.

"Thank God"


"Wait Amy likes me?" Chandler felt himself freak out more.

"Yeah, she admitted it in the coffeehouse now, answer me, what do I do about this Brad and Rachel situation?"

"How can she like me? Does she think we really have a chance?"

"That's what we all said.. Now about Brad-" Ross tried to continue.

"BUT I can't stand her! I rather date myself if it was possible!"

"Chandler! Focus on my problem"

"Right right.. Go ahead"

"Brad brought her home yesterday and covered for her. What can that mean?"

"He's just being a nice friend..?" Chandler spoke slow as if he was talking to a newborn.

"But he hates her, or so she says it"

"Look, she goes back to work tomorrow right?"


Chandler nods. "So drop her off some flowers when he's around, kind of give him that feel that you won't give up that easily"

Ross smiles, liking that idea. "Perfect! Thanks buddy" Ross pats his shoulder and walks out.

"But what about my problem!?" Chandler yells once the door slams.

Amy can't like Chandler, can she?


this chapter sucked. But I'm trying to space everything out so yeah lol

Anyways just a heads up, there's only gonna be 2 more chapters for this series cause..

Drum rolls please


I wanted to do it like the actual show where it's 24/25 episodes (chapters) in one season! But yeah hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading!

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