11. The One Where Ross And Rachel Date

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Originally this was supposed to be the last chapter but I didn't just want it to end like that so yeah I'm currently writing new chapters so I might not be able to update daily :(

Chapter Eleven

The door opens, revealing Rachel, Monica and Phoebe holding at least 5 bags per arm. They were giggling and talking about whatever happened.

Ross looks behind him and stands up from the couch. He hides the letter behind his back. "Rach, can I see you outside please?"

"But I just got done shopping, I'm exhausted-"

"Rachel. Outside."

"Okay fine" They both go outside and Rachel closes the door behind her. "OKAY what?"

"What's this?" Ross now shows her the paper.

"Um a white piece of paper?"

"No" he turns it around so she can see the writing. "What's this?"

Rachel starts reading the letter and gasps. "Oh my god! Ross! You weren't supposed to read this!"

"Oh really cause" Ross turns the paper around to look at the writing. "Cause it says here, if I ever come across this letter-"

Rachel snatched it. "How did you find this!? Were you going through my stuff!?"

"Actually I was going through Monica's tapes and right now, I kinda wish I would've seen a porn tape instead of this letter right now."

Rachel looks at Ross like he was stupid, not getting what he meant. "Look, I didn't want you to find out this way..."

"Do you still feel this way? Is this recent?"

"....Yes and kind of.." Rachel bites her lip getting scared for his reaction. She looks up at him and hes already looking at her.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Cause.. You were with Kate and I didn't want to ruin what we have!"

"Rachel.. You had so long to tell me your feelings why didn't you!? What if I was still Kate?"

"Hey don't go blaming this on me!" Rachel yells offended. "You had my entire high school year and your college years to tell me, why didn't you tell me?!"

"Cause I knew you didn't love me back!"

"How would you know my feelings!?" Rachel continues yelling, which most likely everyone was pressing their ears against the doors to hear what they were yelling about.

"CAUSE RACHEL.." Ross stops himself and shakes his head, putting his hands on his hips. "You know what? Forget it"

"That's it?" Rachel spoke in a low voice, a few tears threatening to leave her eyes. "You find out I love you and this is all you say?"

"What did you want me to say back?"

"Well I mean, I love you too is a great response!" Rachel spoke in pure sarcasm while a tear slides down her cheek.

Ross let's his hands fall down to his side. "You're right..." Ross cups Rachel's cheeks and passionately kisses her, causing her eyebrows to raise and she kisses back.

Just then Monica and Chandler's door opens, making their friends cheer for them. Ross and Rachel continue kissing while they smile.

They slowly pull away. "I love you Rachel, you know that.. It's always been you"

Rachel smiles big and softly rubs her thumb on his hand. "I love you too"


"So how did he find out?" Phoebe asked shocked.

"I guess the letter I wrote to him wasn't in a very good hiding place" Rachel smiles. "And I have to thank Monica for that"

Monica smiles. "I got my best friend and brother together. I am good!"

"Now you have one more thing to fix.." Rachel pats Monica's knee.

"Fix what?" Phoebe asked now

"Oh, you know, this leak coming from my fridge. It's been bothering me all day"

Phoebe laughs. "You fixing a leaking fridge?" She laughs some more. "Oh Monica please"

Monica scoffs offended. "I can to fix a fridge!"

"Yeah, ok" Phoebe continued laughing.

"That's not what it is" Rachel stops it before it turned into an argument. Monica glares at Rachel. "Look, I told her about me and Ross. You should do the same"

"What?" Phoebe looked at Monica disgusted. "Did you and Ross..-"

"No! No! Ew!" Monica shivers at that sentence. "It's about Chandler.."

"Did Chandler and Ross?" Phoebe asked with wide eyes. "I knew Chandler was gay! Ross, eh, he always had a hint of it in him with that dinosaur obsession"

"Hey! I think his obsession is cute"

"Rach.. You called him a freak for that in high school. That's just love talking" Monica declares, causing her to slowly nod. Monica was right.

"So that's what it was?"

"No Phoebe. Me and Chandler dated for at least 5 months.."


"Recently, but he also recently broke us up and I love him.."

Phoebe's eyes couldn't seem to go to normal size. "OH my god! You're the best he could ever find why would he ruin it!?"

"I KNOW!" Monica yells.

"Shouldn't she tell Chandler?" Rachel asked serious.
Phoebe nods. "YES, it'll be better for the both of you"

"What if he turns me down again?" Monica asked scared

"And what if he doesn't? You'll never know"


"I can't believe I'm dating Rachel Greene" Ross gushed as she softly kisses Rachel.

Rachel smiles. "And I can't believe you're putting it that way. But, finally, I'm dating *you*"

"I love you Rachel.. I'm sorry it took me so long to admit it you"

"I'm so sorry too." Rachel leans her forehead on his and grabs his hands, closing her eyes. "I love you too"

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