22. The One Where Brad Tells Rachel

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Chapter Twenty-Two

"How is not possible?" Amy asked confused, making Monica roll her eyes.

"Because Amy, it's not. Okay?"

"I need to know why though!"

Monica just blocks out Amy and her ridiculous questions. Chandler walks into the coffeehouse and sees Amy and turned on his heel.

It was too late cause Monica caught sight of him. "Chandler!"

"Mon! Sorry to disappoint but I uh. I just can't be here right now"

Monica stands up and rushes over to him. She grabs his arm and basically drags him to the couch. "I'm sure you can stay a few minutes and crack a few jokes"

Chandler gives Monica this look that screamed 'I'm gonna KILL you'

At this point everyone was beyond tired of Amy. Why was she still here? No one likes her and she's still a selfish spoiled brat. It's who she was and it's sadly never gonna change. Rachel set her hopes too high.

"So Chandler, you took that living room set into consideration?"

"You took my independent talk into consideration?"

Amy squinted her eyes, thinking. "I mean I tried, I only used my dad's credit card once today."

Chandler wanted to shake her head off her body. That's not independent. You have to work for your money. You can't depend on your father's all the time.

"Amy, that's not independent"

"Clearly you don't know me" she scoffs, proud she's only used her dad's card once.

"I wish I didn't" Chandler muttered annoyed.

"So Monica, are you ever gonna remodel your house?"

"Why would I do that?"

Amy shrugs. "I mean, do you really like those purple walls? They're so tacky"

"I think they're nice. And my house is gonna stay the same"

Amy rolls her eyes. "You guys need change in your life! You're so dull and boring!"

Monica and Chandler look at each other and just stand up, walking out making Amy look at them confused. Amy shrugs and decides to order a coffee and muffin with of course, her dad's credit.


Rachel and Ross were in Monica's apartment, cuddled up in Rachel's bed.

Rachel places soft kisses on his neck and chest. "How did I get so lucky?"

Ross almost scoffed. "You? I'm the one that got lucky"

Rachel frowned and places her hand on Ross' chest, looking up at him. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Lower yourself"

"I don't lower myself"

Rachel nods. "Uh yeah you do. You were in love with me for years, acting like I was a goddess and you weren't good enough for me."

"I mean, I wasn't" Ross laughs. "I was the geeky nerd and you were the popular gorgeous one. There's no way I'd ever have a chance"

"But turns out you do" Rachel smiles. "Being a nerd isn't so bad anyways. I'd take a smart shy guy over dumb jerk anyday.. I was too much of a bitch to realize it"

"Rach, don't say that"

"No its true! If it wasn't for Monica being my best friend, I would have never known who you are" Rachel now once again frowns. "And I rather not think about that terrifying thought"

Ross leans down and kisses Rachel. "But now we're together happy and no one's taking that away"

Rachel smiles and kisses back. "Good. I wouldn't let it happen" she gets up and starts putting on her clothes.

"Where are you going?"

"Hang out with Amy, I feel like I've barely seen her since she's been here"

Ross groans at the thought of Amy. "I see her more than I see you. It's not a good thing"

Rachel giggles and leans down, kissing him. "Thank you, you know, for dealing with her. It means so much"

"Anything for you"

Rachel blushed and puts on her shirt now. "I'll see you tonight hopefully"


"Yeah, I got to stay overnight" Rachel breathes out, not wanting to stay overnight. I mean she loves her job but to stay even longer when she felt like shit? No thanks.

"For what?"

"All these coats and suits got sent to the wrong address and no one can stay overtime to fix it all"

"Oh.." Ross answers.

"But don't worry, if I don't see you tonight, Ill see you tomorrow. I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you, too"


"But I already cancelled it! They were supposed to be shipped to Europe not China!" Rachel yells annoyed through the phone.

Turns out it was too late to try and cancel the shipping online so she had to call the post office.

Not like she was having any luck though and on top of this stress, she wasn't feeling too well, what a great day to stay overtime.

"Ma'am, there's not much we can do."

"Yes there is! Just cancel the damn order!" Rachel demanded. "Hello? Hello?"

"That's no way to talk to people"

Rachel looks up and sees Brad, she rolls her eyes. "What the hell do you want? You don't even have training today" she sits down and rubs her temples, feeling sick.

"Yeah I don't, I just came to pick up my keys that I left here" Brad grabs them from a bowl that was on Rachel's desk. "And then I heard you yelling"

"Okay you got your keys, now you can go."

"Now why would I when you're here?" Brad keeps that sly smile on his face.

"We hate each other so what? Are you here to annoy me even more?"

"Rachel, no one said I hate you. You made that up yourself"

Rachel scoffs. "Look, I got work to do, I don't have time for this" Rachel walked by Brad slowly, feeling lightweight headed.

Brad grabs ahold of her arm. "Wait, I got something to ask you"

Rachel shrugs his arm off. "What?"

Brad breathes out. "Okay here I go... Rachel.. I like you" Before Rachel could reply, she goes over to the small trash can by her desk and pukes. "Well, I was hoping for a better answer than that"

Brad goes over and bends down, holding her hair back. Rachel spits and holds her stomach. "No.. I'm just feeling sick.."

"Was it bad food you ate?"

Rachel groans. "Maybe.. I did have a bagel down there before I came up here"

Brad stands her up and Rachel holds onto the desk tightly, trying to keep her balance. "Look, I'll bring you home-"

"No no I'm fine, I can work-"

"Rachel, listen to me. I got this okay? I'll take over for you and I'll drop you off. You need to rest"

Rachel looks at Brad and gives him a soft smile for the first time. "Thanks... Now if you excuse me I need to wash my mouth"

Brad nods and starts gathering her stuff for her while she walks to the bathroom, slowly but surely.
Looks like Brad wasn't so bad after all.

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