3. The One Where Rachel Is Upset

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Chapter Three

"Rach do you want pancakes or waffles?"

"Do you think they slept together yet?"

Monica looks at me and then at the food. "Uh they're not real or alive so I highly doubt it"

"Not the food" I whine. "Ross and Kate, do you think they slept together?" I stand up and walk over to the table.

Monica pours more pancake powder into the bowl and mixes. "I'm sure he bored her to death with his slide show of fossils"

I shrug and take a seat. "I don't know, she seemed to really like him"

"Look, it was just one date, it doesn't mean anything"

I nod and breathe out. "You're right. It was just one date. OH I'll take waffles by the way"

"I just made a bunch of pancake batter!" she whines and walks over to the stove.

In walks Joey and he looks over to Monica. "I knew I smelt something" he takes a seat on the table and grabs the box of pancake powder and pours some into his hand, eating it. I grimace. "Dry but not too bad"

Before he could grab more, Monica snatches the box from him, making him frown.

"So whats up with you? You look all down"

"Oh it's just nothing" I smile. "I'm just tired"

"Me too! I only had 12 hours of sleep and had to get up from the neighbors across from me arguing!"

I pat Joey's hand. "You got more sleep than the average person, Joe"

"Well I'm not no average person" he points to himself and scoffs while chuckling.

"...Of course you're not"

Just on cue, Ross walks in. I smile. "So.. How was yesterday?" Monica looks over at me and gives me a look but I shrug her off and wait for Ross' answer.

"Great actually! She wants to go on another date tonight"

"DAMMIT!" I yell, making everyone look at me weird. I clear my throat and hit the table. "DAMMIT MONICA I SAID I WANTED WAFFLES NOT PANCAKES"

She rolls her eyes and turns her back to me. Ross shrugs that off and goes into the fridge taking out a water. "Uh Rach, you still need to talk to me?"

"Oh no, it's fine" I wave him off.


"Yeah Mon?"

"Can I see you outside for a sec?"

I chuckle out of nervousness. "But the pancakes will burn-"

"Outside. Now"

I suck my tooth and we walk outside. She closes the door and crossed her arm like she was disappointed. "You still didn't tell him?"

"I thought we already went over this?"

"You have to. Tonight before Kate comes"

"No no, I can't." I freak out over that option.

"You know what's gonna happen if you don't, him and Kate will get serious and what are you gonna do? Cry about it?"

I clap my hands. "That sounds just about right!" I go over to her doorknob but she stops me.


"I can't do it." I turn around and face her. "Not because I'm scared but because I seen how happy he looked when he said he had another date with her, I can't ruin that"

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