10. The One Where Ross Finds Out

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Chapter Ten

"Why did you do that?" Rachel asked for the 100th time today. Monica groans annoyed.


"Leaving Chandler in the coffeehouse like that" Monica now looks at Rachel. "He wants to settle things and you can't?"

"Rachel, you're in my shoes right now. You love Ross, am I clear?"

"Yeah but-"

"But difference is, you and Ross don't have history so you guys can always act like friends with a secret. Chandler and me had history for a few months and now, I have a secret. I can't just be friends"

"It's called acting Monica. You think I don't want to just kiss Ross?"

"So why don't you tell him?"

"Why don't you tell Chandler?" Rachel shot back instantly. Monica closes her eyes and sighs, reopening her eyes.

"Look at us Rach, we're both in love with our best friends and they have no clue.."

Rachel frowns and places her hand on Monica's. "We have to tell them."

Monica's eyes widen and she quickly shakes her head. "No no I can't"

"I know, it's gonna be hard but at least he'll know."

"I don't know if I'm ready.."

"Isn't it weird though?" Rachel kind of smiles. "I love Ross, you love Chandler, do you think Joey or Phoebe love one each other?"

"Doubt it. Joey and Phoebe are completely opposite and want two different things"

"Okay, Ross wants a science born baby, someone like Albert Einstein. Chandler doesn't want kids cause he's too afraid. We both love them"

"Okay fine, I see your point. But Chandler does want a baby!" Monica retorts, pointing her index finger at Rachel.


With the boys

"Whats up with you and Monica?" Ross asked as he takes a sip from his beer.

"Nothing? Why, why do you ask?" Chandler asks sort of nervous.

"Chill" Joey holds out his hand. "It just seems like you both are keeping distance?"

"Yeah so? Everyone does that"

"If there's something going on, you can tell us. You know that right?"

"Of course I do. I'm telling you guys, there's nothing wrong. Maybe it's her month"

"Month? Month for what?" Joey asked stupidly, looking at Ross and Chandler.

"You know, what girls get monthly that makes them go" Ross lifts up his index finger and puts it by his ear, twirling it around. Indicating girls go crazy.

"No, what do they get monthly that makes them go" Joey copies Ross hand gesture.


Joey's eyes widen. "Dude gross! Couldn't you at least of used a code for it?"

Ross gives Joey a stare and just sits next to Chandler on the other recliner. "So, you just gonna wait till Monica settles down?"

"Yeah.. That has to be it" Ross nods and Chandler secretly sighs out. Why is he even keeping this from his best friends? They'll understand right? Well, Joey would.

Ross? Not so much. How do you even say it to Ross without him flipping out?

Hey Ross, yeah, me and your sister were fooling around for 5 months, and now it's over and she doesn't want to talk to me

Oh yeah, that'll sure work out for Chandler.

Just then Chandler's door opens, exposing a happy Rachel and Monica. All the boys look at them, waiting for them to speak.

"We won 1500$ on a scratch ticket!" Rachel squeals, waving the ticket around. Causing the boys to be surprised.

"Hey! We should split it 6 ways you know? We each get 250-"

"Bye!" Rachel and Monica yell and was about to walk out but Ross calls out to Monica, which she pops her head in.

"Where's that movie I always wanted to watch and you always told me you would let me but never did?"

"Under my TV, it's in that stand where all the VCR tapes are. You're gonna have to look through them. Bye!" Monica yells once again and slams the door.

"Well aren't they lucky. If I had 1500 I would buy a car"

"Joey... You don't even drive"

"Because I don't have a car!" he yells defensively.

"I'm gonna go look for the movie" Ross puts his beer on the small table beside his recliner.

"Hey dude, check if Monica has porn" Joey smiles and nods

"The thought of my baby sister owning porn doesn't sit well with me so I'll pass" Ross sarcastically smiled and walks out, going into Monica's apartment.

He goes over to the TV and starts looking through all the tapes.

She owned so much tapes and everyone is sure of it that she barely even watches them. Maybe it's just there for decoration.

Ross moves two tapes away and sees a folded white paper there. He raises his eyebrows and picks it up, unfolding it.

"Dear Ross.." He reads aloud and then reads the rest to himself quietly. His eyes widen once he sees the ending. "LOVE RACHEL!? OH MY GOD" He stands up and still holds the paper in his left hand. "OH MY GOD. Rachel Greene is in love with me"

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