12. The One With Ross And Rachels First Date

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Chapter Twelve

"So what are our plans for tonight?" Rachel smiles and grabs Ross' hands. He kisses her hands and smiles back.

"Wherever you wanna go"

"Uh, well there's Monica's restaurant and since she's happy for us, maybe we'll get treated for free"

Ross laughs and now let's go of her hands and kisses her forehead. "Then it's a plan. I'll see you tonight at 7?"

Rachel nods. They both give each other quick kiss and Ross walks out. Rachel sighs happily and takes a sip from her coffee.

"So Rachel, I hear you and Ross are dating" Gunther walks over, giving her the blueberry muffin she asked for.

"Yeah" Rachel smiles.

He gives her a smile, almost as if he was forcing himself too. Oh who was he kidding, he was forcing it. He loved Rachel and now he had no reason to tell her.

Ross stole Rachel from him. He was not too happy about that. He walks away and admires Rachel from behind the counter while she starts eating her muffin.

"Guess what! Guess what!" Phoebe yelled excitedly, running in the coffee house. Rachel looks over.

"Hey, what's up?"

Phoebe takes a seat next to Rachel. "So I was singing my most famous song outside by some Diner and some dude wants to sign me!"

"Oh my god Pheebs! That's great!" Rachel smiles and leans up, patting her knee. "What song was it? Smelly cat?"

"No! Toes!" Phoebe answered smiling.

"Um.. Since when did you write a song called toes?"

"Since this morning! I got inspiration when I was putting on my socks. Wanna hear it?"

"Uh yeah, sure!" Rachel answered and Phoebe takes her guitar out of her case. She starts strumming it lightly.

"When your toes are stinky, and your nose is all wrinkly, that's when you know you got a disease-y, don't call the doctor, you have to call Phoebe. Cause I know what it is-y!"

Rachel puts on a forceful smile. "Really?" she asked. "Are you sure?"

"YES! He said it was written by a genius" Phoebe gushes. "And it's me!" She points to herself.

"Well... That's just great! Youuu!" Rachel wrinkles her nose and playfully nudges Phoebes shoulders.

"Where is everyone? I got to tell them the great news!" Phoebe keeps yelling and puts her guitar in her case and runs out.


"How many?"

"Table for 2 please" Rachel smiles and the waiter grabs two menus and walks them over to a table.

"Can I start you off with any drinks?"

"I'll take the coke please"

"Me too" Ross answered right after.

The waitress nods and walks away. Rachel looks at Ross and gives him a big smile. She sighs happily. "This is it"

"I know.. I'm dating Rachel Greene" Ross gushes and grabs her hands.

She lightly laughs. "Again, when you say it like that it's weird. But, how long?"

"How long what?"

"Have you had this huge crush on me?"

Ross shrugs. "Well, it was more than a crush. I was always in love with you"

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