8. The One With The Horrible Thanksgiving

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Chapter Eight

"But don't you think it'll look and taste better if you melted the marshmallows in the pie?" Rachel tried to argue against Monica.

"No, it'll look better and taste better if they were just placed on top, neatly"

"Hey Mon, remember when I said I would have fun helping you cook?" Rachel smiles and Monica nods, confused. "Yeah not so much"

Monica rolls her eyes. "Look, my mother insulted my cooking and I just want to show I can do something without messing up!"

Rachel raises her eyebrows and just continues placing small marshmallows around the pie, just to shut up Monica.

"It smells so good" Joey comes in and walks towards the table. "Ooo, marshmallows" Joey tried to grab one but Monica smacks his hand causing him to rub his hand. "Ow! What was that for?"

"No eating the food!" Monica yells, wagging her index finger at him.

Joey frowns. "Usually you let me!"

"Not today, Monica wants everything perfect" Rachel puts on an annoyed tone.

"Oh, come on. Everyone knows you cook good Monica, you wouldn't be the head chef"

"Yeah everyone? Try asking my mother that"

Chandler comes walking in now. "I knew Joey got yelled at for eating so much one day"

"Chandler don't start cause I'm not in the mood" Monica states sternly.

"Should've gave it to her last night" Rachel whispers to Chandler, but loud enough so Monica can hear.

Monica rolls her eyes. "Look, if you guys aren't gonna help, get out" Everyone slowly started to leave. "That wasn't a choice, you're gonna help"
Everyone groans and walks back, sitting down at the table. "Okay Chandler, you do the cranberries, Rachel start mashing the mashed potatoes and Joey... Uh. Just try not to eat anything"

"Hey! I can cook" Joey gets offended.

"So, can you make stuffing?"

"I said I can cook, not be a chef"

Monica rolls her eyes. "Boil some more potatoes"

"Got it" Joey smiles and then looks around. "How do you boil mashed potatoes?" Joey whispers to Rachel causing Monica to throw her head back in annoyance.

"Oh Joey just go"

Joey wastes no time leaving out, making Rachel and Chandler wish that was them.


"So, the mashed potatoes, cranberries, stuffing, gravy, cornbread, vegetables are all done, all we need is the turkey" Monica sighs out happily.

Rachel and Chandler mumble annoyed. The things Monica rushed them around to do was ridiculous. It wasn't like Monica was cooking by herself. It was a Chandler, Rachel and Monica Thanksgiving.

"Can I stop now? I still need to take a shower and get dressed" Rachel whined. "I've been in my pjs all day"

"Fine you can go"

Rachel sighs of relief and runs into her room, grabbing some clothes then walking into the shower. She was definitely gonna take her time on purpose.

"Finally some time alone" Chandler smiles and tries to kiss Monica but she places the oven mit in front of her, making him kiss it. "Ah yes, I always had a thing for oven mits"

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