4. The One Where Ross Says Rachel

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I decided to do third POV so it can focus on all the friends and not just from Rachel's POV! Btw I already have all these chapters written out so I'll upload daily to finish it quicker

                               Chapter Four

Ross and Kate were all cuddled up on Chandler and Joey's couch. They kept whispering and laughing every second making Joey turn the TV up louder.

"I'm gonna get going, I have to help my mom"

Ross sighs happily and places a hand on his heart. "Look at that, can you get anymore sweeter?"

Kate giggles and kisses him. Waving bye at Joey and Chandler who just lazily wave at her, a slight of relief that she's leaving. They will never understand why every time Ross decides to hang with them, Kate shows up.

"So.. What do you guys think?" Ross asked hopeful and stands in front of them, blocking the TV.

"Your shirts a little too tight and you're not made of glass" Chandler sarcastically said, smiling

Ross scoffs and his voice gets high. "MY SHIRT IS NOT TIGHT!" he shakes his head and walks to the counter, making Chandler and Joey turn their chairs, looking at Ross. "I meant Kate, how is she?"

Joey shrugs. "She's hot, great body" Joey slowly nods and gives Ross a thumbs up.

Ross looks at Joey for a long time and then look at Chandler, not saying a word to Joey. "So, Chandler. What do you think?"

"I think it really matters what you think"

Ross starts smiling. "I really do like her, but I don't want to scare her off. We've only been dating for about 2 weeks and if Rachel finds out how much I been thinking about her, she might get freaked out."

All of a sudden Chandler and Joey's eyes widen. Ross looks at them worried. "What? What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Dude!" Joey yells worried. "You just said Rachel instead of Kate"

"I did not!"

"Uh yeah" Chandler nods. "Ya did."

"Oh my god I said Rachel" Ross freaks out.


                         Back with the girls

"Phoebe do you have a 6?"

Phoebe looks at her cards and then at Rachel. "Go fish"

"I can't believe we're playing this on a Friday night" Monica whispers to herself.

"Monica, do you have a 6?" Phoebe tried to whisper to Monica.

Rachel looks at Monica and then at Phoebe. Monica slowly hands it over to Phoebe.

Phoebe grabs it and screams. "Oh my god! Would you look at that! I magically found a 6!"

"You can't do that, that's cheating!" Rachel yells.
"It's not cheating if I asked for it"

"But you just told me you didn't have a 6!" Rachel whines frustrated

"I wanted to save it for something special and look! I'm glad I did!" Phoebe throws down her 6's.

"Oh you wanna play that way? Well two can" Rachel speaks in a determined voice.

"I can't do this!" Monica slams her cards on the table. "It's a Friday night and we're really arguing over who cheated on go fish!? Since when did we turn 80 and since when did my house become a retirement home?"

Rachel sighs and puts her cards down. "Mon's right.."

"Yeah okay" Phoebe snickers and throws down all her matching cards. "AH HA! I WON" Rachel and Monica look at Phoebe, unamused. "Sorry losers..." Phoebe mutters

"Well since you ruined our game, what do you wanna do?"

Monica shrugs and walks over to her fridge, taking out a Fiji water. "What time is it?"

"Uh.. It's 8"

"We can go to the club, a girls night out and getting boys numbers?"

"OKAY!" Phoebe stands up. Rachel frowns and slumps her shoulders.

"But Rosssss" Rachel whines.

"Yeah what about him?" Monica asked confused as she takes a few sips from her water.

"I can't ask for boys numbers and then Ross is really gonna think I have no interest in him."

"Yeah cause it's pretty obvious to him now"

Rachel glares at Monica's response. "I want to tell him but every time I do, there's an interruption."

"OH WOULD YOU JUST GET DRESSED AND STOP BEING A SISSY" Phoebe yells, causing Rachel to raise her eyebrows. Phoebe smiles and bows down. "Thank you"

Rachel shakes her head and gets up. "Fine whatever, I guess I'll go"


Rachel takes a sip from her drink and looks around, trying to find a guy so she can get their number but no one was Ross and it upsetted her how much she loved him.

Nothing upsetted her more than the fact that she just realized how much she loved him.

The past two times she tried to tell him, somehing came up, is that a sign she shouldn't just tell him and let her feelings slowly go away?
She knew that was a lie though. She couldn't stop loving Ross.

"The boy with the red shirt keeps staring, get his number" Monica whispers and nudge Rachel.

Rachel looks over at him and slowly examines him. He wasn't bad looking to her, maybe getting his number wasn't so bad after all.

Rachel leans off the bar counter and walks over to him.


                              With the boys

"Does this mean anything?" Chandler asked a little hopeful.

"No! No!" Ross answers immediately. "My feelings for Rachel are completely gone, I like Kate"

"Not even a little bit?"

Ross and Joey look at Chandler weird. "Dude, if you like Rachel just go for it" Joey speaks up.

Chandler's eyes widen and he holds his hands up. "No no! I don't like Rachel"

"So why do you care so much if I like her?" Ross asked concerned and stared down Chandler making Chandler get uncomfortable.

"Hey you're the one that said her name!" Chandler yells defensively.

"On accident! It doesn't mean anything, okay? Now, let's just keep this between us"

Chandler knew he wanted to tell Rachel, but he had to give Ross his word. Chandler sighed and nodded. Looks like Rachel is never gonna know.


"Hey guys bad news" Ross walks in with a sigh, making the girls turn around.

"What happened?"

"Turns out there's a more 'experienced' paleontologist and they get to go to the Bahamas"

Phoebe groans. "But didn't you have the tickets already?"

"Yeah they got them for me... And took them back" everyone whines and slumps into their seats. "But hey! I still have a convection and if you guys wanna-"

"Goodbye Ross" Monica cuts him off and smiles.

Ross scoffs. "I didn't want you guys there anyway!" he turns on his heel and walks out the house.

"Maybe it's a good thing" Rachel speaks up and smiles. "Now him and Kate won't have fun together in the bahamas"

"But I wanted to go!" Monica whines.

Rachel just continued smiling and walked into her room. I mean who would be happy if they found out they can't go to the Bahamas anymore? Nobody. Nobody except Rachel I guess..

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