21. The One With All The Doubts And Jealously

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Chapter Twenty-One

"Ross, you didn't have to" Rachel laughs and Ross continues walking with her to her office while hugging her from behind.

"I wanted to"

They walk in and Brad was already there, touching everything. Rachel rolls her eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Took you long enough" he scoffed. "I been here for the past half hour. Your office is extremely dull"

"Who's this?" Ross asked Rachel, nodding his head over in Brad's direction.

"Ross, Brad, Brad, Ross"

They go to shake hands. "I'm Ross, her boyfriend" Ross emphasized the word boyfriend, feeling a little imitated by Brad.

"And I'm Brad, her assistant" he emphasized the word on purpose, clearly mocking Ross.

"OKAY" Rachel claps. "Enough chit chatting, I gotta get to work"

"Aw, eager to work with me?" Brad smiles.

"Eager to get you out of my sight and it's not gonna happen if we just stand here" Rachel smiles back and Brad rolls his eyes at her response.

"Uh Rach, can I see you outside real quick?"

"Ross I really can't, I-"


Rachel gives Ross a glare. "I'll be back Brad, try to be behave" she acts like she's talking to a 5 year old and walks out her office. "YES?"

"So, Brad, huh?" Ross laughs and rubs the back of his neck. "Is he single?"

"What? I don't know? That's a weird question for you to be-" Rachel stops herself. "WAIT, wait.. Are you jealous?"

"What? What? Why, why why, why would I be jealous?" Ross laughs yet again. "I'm fine! Just a simple question! Does he go to the gym? Does he own a nice car? Does he want kids?"

"Oh my god Ross, I can't do this right now okay? I don't know if that scene in there wasn't clear enough that I can't stand his guts but I can't"

"I'm not jealous trust me Rach.. I'm just a little intimated, that's all"

"So promise me you won't get all clingy and weird?"

Ross smiled and kisses her. "I promise."

Rachel kisses back. "Good. I'll see you tonight. Love you" Rachel was about to walk in her office.

"OKAY BYE RACHEL, I'M NOW LEAVING. LOVE YOU TOO" Ross shouts on purpose, making Rachel glare at him.


"He looks intimidating!" Ross complains to his best friends, Joey and Chandler.

"Dude relax, she said she can't stand his guts" Joey speaks calmly and takes a sip of his beer.

"Who knows? Feelings can change in a few days"

"Not really. I still can't stand Amy"

Ross starts pacing. "I know he's acting like a jerk to capture her in"

"Yeah, disrespecting a girl he likes, that'll reel her in!" Chandler spoke sarcastic.

"You don't get it" Ross groans and takes a seat. "You know what!" he jumps. "I'll call her!"

"Or bring her some lunch! And while you're at it, pick me up some meatball subs!"

Ross was about to ignore Joey's idea. "WAIT, that's not a bad idea. What time is it?"

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