15. The One With The Bet

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Chapter Fifteen

"I'm telling you, it was like love at first sight" Joey explains, causing a few of his friends to roll their eyes.

"That's so fake, love at first sight isn't even real"

"You don't believe in it?" Joey asked Monica shocked.

"No, I believe in lust at first sight but love? Joey, don't tell me you believe in it"

He crossed his arms, getting offended. "Why can't I believe in it?"

"Cause you're the last one out of all of us that can keep a girlfriend"

"What about Chandler?"

Everyone looks at Chandler causing him to look at everyone and then roll his eyes. "So second to last"

"I can to keep a girlfriend!" Everyone just looks away, not agreeing. Joey stands up now. "You'll see, watch!"

"So is this some kind of bet?" Monica smiles.

Joey nods and holds his hand out, making Monica shake it. "I bet you I can keep a girlfriend"

"But for how long?" Rachel butts in.

Monica thinks. "Hm, I bet you can't keep a girlfriend for a whole week"

Joey gasps dramatically. "I can! And I'll show you and when I win, you can't clean for a week!"

It was Monica's turn to gasp dramatically. "OH you're so on! And if you can't keep her for a whole week, you have to help me clean! But wait.. That's not gonna be fun" Monica frowns.

"It won't be fun for me"

Monica thinks. "Hm, you can't have sandwiches for a week. Just salad"

"What?! Are you asking me to kill myself?"

Monica slightly laughs. "Still up for this bet?" Monica starts making chicken sounds.

Joey glares at her and shakes her hand yet again. "Oh it's on"


Rachel and Ross were taking a walk around the park, while they held hands. Every time Rachel looked up at Ross, she just couldn't stop smiling. He was everything to her and she hates how long it took her to realize this.

"Hey let's go on the swings" Ross interrupted Rachel's thoughts.

Rachel's eyes widen as she stood in place. "Um, how about the slide? Or, we can just sit!"

"Why? The swings are fun"

"You mean dangerous"

Ross laughed and looked down at her. "What happened with you?"

"Nothing it's just, I don't think swings are safe I mean it holds people by small little chains!? That screams dangerous!"


"Hmm? Yeah?"

"What happened with you and swings?"

"Whaaat?" Rachel laughs and now sarcastically hits Ross' shoulder. "Nothing pfftt. Come on"

"So why don't you want to go on one?" he talked in a slow voice like she wasn't understanding him.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Fine.. The reason I hate the swings so much is because..." she places a hand on her mouth and shakes her head, her eyes somewhat getting watery.

"Oh no Rach, it's okay you don't have to tell me" Ross rubs her back and Rachel waves him off.

"No no, I want to.. So, I was swinging and then, my hair gets caught in between the chains.. And then" Rachel continues trying to hold her tears back. "My mom had to cut my hair and it was uneven!" Rachel finished.

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