6. The One With The Proposal

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Chapter Six

"WHAT? Proposal? It's only been like a month since they been dating!"

"You do realize it's Ross we're talking about here" Chandler speaks up, causing Rachel to roll her eyes.
"But oh my god, marriage? That's more likely for him to ask me to marry him!" Rachel yells frustrated.

"He'll divorce her soon, it's Ross' speciality" Chandler continues with the jokes.

"He doesn't even love her yet! I need to tell him, I don't care. I can't be there at that wedding and see them taking each other's hands in marriage. It'll kill me that I never got the chance to tell him."

"Rachel, don't.." Monica sighs.

"Why not?"

"He's happy, do you really want to ruin that?"

Rachel crossed her arms and whines. "YES? I don't know? Maybe?"

"What if you were happy and someone you loved years ago, tells you how they felt, how would you react?"

Rachel groans and stands up. "When's he gonna propose?"

"Well first, he's gonna ask if she wants to move in"

"He's asking for this relationship to fail" Chandler shook his head.

"Oh yeah cause proposal is much better" Phoebe spoke up.

"THIS is why he wanted to talk to me instead" Monica chimed in, getting a little defensive. "I'm more understanding"

"Really? You're okay with this and think it's ok?"

"YES! If he's happy that's all that matters! Days total you've been together doesn't define love"

"Okay so Monica, will you marry me?" Chandler joked. Monica chucked a pillow at him.

"Guys cmon, be supportive"

"Uh hello!? Do you not see me standing here!?" Rachel waves her hands around.

Monica sighs. "Rach, you know you're my best friend and I want what's best for you but, this is my brother and his happiness. You really can't come between that."

"He said my name!" Rachel tried to argue. "That has got to mean something!"

"It can happen to anyone Rach.." Monica put on this 'im sorry but give it up' voice.

Rachel turns on her heel and heads towards the door causing Monica to stand up. "Where are you going?"

"We'll really see how much he loves this Kate girl" and with that, Rachel walked out.


Rachel pounds on Ross' door making him look at the door confused and answers it. He opens the door to a flustered Rachel. "Hey, what's up?"

"Um.. We need to talk"

"Uh yeah sure, come in" he makes room and she walks in, standing between the couch and the coffee table.

"So, how's you and Kate?"

"REALLY good actually" he smiles. "I'm about to ask her to move in with me now so if you can make his talk quick, that'd be great"

Rachel frowns and sits. "Monica told me about the proposal... Ross... Don't you think it's too quick?"

"I mean yeah.. But it doesn't even matter. I lov-... Oh my god. I love her"

That made Rachel sink further into the couch and felt her heart shatter. She kept her ground though. "So.. This is it huh? You found the love of your life?"
"Well I wouldn't say that but.. I really want to spend the rest of my life with her"

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