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Sarocha Chankimha or Sasha as her friends and colleagues call her, sat alone inside the locker room wishing the workday was over. Being a British Bureau of Investigation (BBI) agent and apart of Criminal Investigation Division, there was no set time to go home, she could be stuck there for more hours to come and the thought depressed her. And the fact that she could be kick out of her stressful job depressed her more. Long hours and all, she had loved her job anyway.

The day worsened when the door opened and SHE stepped inside; Nicole Armstrong a.k.a Nikki. One of the best agent of their agency, one of the youngest yet one of the most accomplished and reliable; though she's just 4 years and 4 months younger than her. The woman gave her a hard look of disappointment right away. People in their office knew they had never gotten along and their latest case secured they never would.

For some reason, started to feel small under her glares so she stood from the bench.

"I'm sorry and I've said it over a thousand times, okay? I'm sorry."

Losing the last of her temper, Nikki grabbed her arm, pulling her close.

"Sorry? What can your sorry do now??? It's your fault everything went straight to hell, people died, Sasha." She hissed as she held on to her arm so tightly, their faces were close and both their eyes were full of fire.

"You're hurting me. LET. ME. GO," Sasha hissed at the girl too as she stared into her deep brown eyes. And after a few moments intense staring battle, the grip on her arm loosened and she let her go. "I know I screwed up but I wasn't the only one there, everyone made a mistake." she added as she kept trying to justify her slip up inside her mind. It all a chain of events she had the bad luck of being a part of.

"You're right. Everyone made a mistake but yours was the worst. You shouldn't have taken charge like that, you knew we were dealing with a crazy, psychopath, and you knew that when he snapped, worst thing could happen. Now, two men are dead and one is half-way there." The girl said as she tried to keep calm, though she was still furious at how could she be so careless.

Sasha let out a long and deep sigh.

"If I hadn't done what I did, both those kids would be dead. No one told Billy and Prise to rush in like that, their deaths are on them, not on me!" she snapped. She'd admit until she was blue in the face she had acted hastily to save the children before they were killed because those children didn't have a choice in the situation, the agents did.

"You know Director A is not going to see it that way." Nikki pointed out, walking behind her as they left the locker room.

"No of course not. Because he only listen and take your side; his favorite. So, please do me a favor Nicole and just let me do my job." Sasha was good at keeping calm, but never around Nicole Armstrong because the girl always made everything harder for her; they were always at odds trying to beat each other at everything they did and today put those feelings into overdrive pushing them over the edge.

The case went hay-wire and agents died. Sasha realized that but what she did was reasonable, at least for her. She made a moments decision to save the two children's life that were at stake from a crazy serial killer that had already killer eight other children at that moment and he needed to be stopped. That's all she thought about when she finally was face to face with the man. Everything else went out the window and she just couldn't let him get away so she put a bullet in his skull.

"Funny, because the way you do your job is costing a lot of lives." Nikki pointed out as they walked neared the end of the long hall. It wasn't the first time Sasha acted without thinking, just the first time people were injured and dead.

"Just in case you want to know Agent Perfectionist, I am having a hard enough time processing with all of this as it is." She said as she came to halt and turned to the other agent with a fiery expression but obviously trying to stop her eyes from tearing up. "I don't need you breathing down my neck and reminding me how much I messed this up!" she added before stomping to the way where the conference room is since they had been summoned. And when she opened the door, their teammates were already there and Director A or Kru A as they call him was sitting at the head of the large rectangle table.

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