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"We need to leave Chachoengsao." Sain said as Nikki and Sasha joined everyone in the kitchen the next morning. "We have to move in our base in Bangkok so we'll have better resources. There's really nothing we can do from here yet. No one's talking in this town but in the city, it'll be easier to track Nop. I honestly believe he isn't here or close to here anymore." he added.

"You're right." Sasha inserted and everyone finally looked at her, shocked to see her up and joined them. Their expressions showed they felt bad and she hated it. "It'll be better for you guys to go back to our Bangkok base but I can't. Not yet because I have to bury my sister. As much as I hate this place, I know this is home to her and where she would want to lay in peace with our parents." her voice trembled at the end but she didn't want to cry anymore. She already told her self to be strong, that she can't break down and do it for Nam because she owed it to her to find her killer and make that man pay for his crime.

On the other hand, Kru A nodded as he studied Sasha's face. He knew probably better then anyone what the girl has gone through in her life. Everyone knows he treated his agents like his kids, so he knew everything about them.

"We'll head back to the base in Bangkok to look for more information and you take care of everything you need to here. Take all the time you need." he spoke softly. He knew a part of Sasha was pissed that everyone showed emotion toward her; it was saddened emotions and she hates it.

"Yes Sir." She simply said, her head down now. Every now and then, all of a sudden she would see her sister's body. Dead, just lying there. That image made her want to run away and hide forever and just cry her heart out. The urges were so strong and her body would be so close to just running. Like now, she wanted to run.

Everyone continued to talk about work, about the case and she was so glad they all cared so much to help her. That's what was so different about Kru A's department. They were more of a family than just co-workers. When times got tough everyone came together. But right now, she just couldn't listen to them, she tried to but it all seemed distant now. The words are inaudible to her.

"Excuse me, I'll be back." she told them but only looking at Nikki who's not letting her hand go. She looked at her in silent question but she offered her an assuring smile, convincing her that she's fine and she can let her go for a while.

When Nikki let her go, she headed back to the bedroom and lie down on her bed this time. Her bed's cold and she shivered right away with the contact. Maybe because it hasn't been slept since few nights back. She and Nikki was sharing bed already behind the fact that it's a single bed and the have to squeeze each other to fit. But she's growing to love the girl's bed rather than hers now. She was on her back and facing the ceiling when her tears started to fall. She's starting to cry as soon as she felt her heart breaking again inside with the thought of her sister.

P'Nam didn't deserve this. She thought.

Sadness, anger, loneliness was all mixing up within her body and she felt like the room is squeezing her that she couldn't breathe properly. All this feelings are trying to suffocate her all at once until she blacked out on her bed.


"I'm so sorry P'Nam..." she muttered.

"I'm so so sorry." She repeated between her sob.

Sasha didn't know how long she's been crying when suddenly she heard a familiar voice.

"I'm sorry too little one. I didn't mean to leave you all alone."

"P'Nam??? Oh my god, is this real or I'm losing my mind?" Sasha asked as she looked around, only apart of her thinking this was unbelievable, the sane part she thought.

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