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Sasha and Nikki left her sister's house and until they reached home, she still hadn't said a word, just holding on to the note she had found. Nikki on the other hand, wanted to ask Sasha about the note, she wanted her to talk to her but in her state of mind she wasn't going to push the girl. She just watched her silently until she walked inside the house. She watched her sit on the sofa and thought of what better things to say.

"Do you need anything?" Nikki finally asked and Sasha turned to her, looked blankly into her eyes. She is now getting worried about her.

"I'm good. Thank you." she told her with a weak smile that left as soon as it came.

"What do you have in mind?" She asked as she sat on the armrest of the sofa, just next to her wife. At first she hesitated to do something she was meaning to do but moments later, she was already caressing Sasha's hair gently, mindlessly playing them between her fingers.

"I don't know." Sasha admitted with her tired voice. "Nop somehow found out the truth about me and maybe he thought P'Nam was going to tell me something. She didn't tell him about me though. But he found out so that must be pissing him off." she expressed as she rested her arms on her thighs and let her head rest above them too. Then another thought ran through her head, causing her to look back at Nikki. " What if he hurts her? What if-"

"Don't think about negative things. We'll get your sister back and put Nop away if he's involve and of course, the Mayor. Got now, you have to focus and remain calm." She explained as now tried to soothe her back because it seems like Sasha wouldn't stop worrying.

"We have to call Kru A and tell him what happened." Sasha said as she was about to stand from the sofa but the latter placed her hands on her shoulders and let her sat back down.

"Like I said, you have to stay focus so you can think of the best thing to do. For now, just stay here and try to calm down. I got you." Then she softly tap her shoulder. "I'll call him."

Nikki got up and stepped away from Sasha but after few steps, she looked back at the girl who is now lying in the sofa.

"Are you sure you don't need anything? You're not going to go crazy on me in any second, are you?" She asked, more like a joke and the girl let out a long aggravated sigh.

"I said I'm fine!" she snapped.

"Ok... Alright, I get it. Relax. But I think as long as you're pissed at me, means things are going good." She said as she sat back beside her.

"I'm not pissed at you. That's a shocker, right?" Sasha said as she looked at her face. "Actually, I should thank you. So, thanks." she added. Feeling a little weird about it but she thought, Nikki deserves it too. If it's not for her, she surely had made another rush actions that could put her sister in more dangerous situation.

"Thanks? For what?" The girl wondered but it's obvious that she was glad to see her talking sensible and coming back from the edge she was at. She's glad to see some light in her eyes.

"F-For being there." Sasha softly admitted.

That moment, they locked eyes again and slowly moved toward each other. Nikki was the first to placed her hand along the side of Sasha's face when they were inches from each other and the latter immediately lean on the touch, wanting to feel the comfort of each other's warmth.

"I knew pairing you together in this case would've brought you closer together. Now, don't mind me. Go on, you can kiss each other." Said a man's voice.

Sasha and Nikki both did a jump scare as they swiftly pulled away from each other and looked up at the same time from where the voice came from. Kru A was standing by the staircase, leaning against the wall, all eyes on them.

Sasha felt her cheeks turn red. The embarrassment splashed over her and she just wish the ground would swallow her alive. It was like getting caught by your father for the first time.

"K-Kru A! W-What are you doing here? I, uhmmm. I thought you're in London." Nikki asked as she too blushed so hard. And move a little far away from her partner.

"Yeah. I was in London. And since I am here, I'm hoping for some lip action but I guess I should have kept my mouth shut for sometime. I knew underneath all that hate was something more." The director said as he went down the stairs, smiling widely as he looked at them with his teasing eyes and sat in the reclining chair. "Anyway, I'm here because there's real trouble. I wasn't going to let you handle this alone. So Agent Heng, Agent Seng and Agent Saint will be here early tomorrow." he explained.

"Great a house full of men." Sasha pointed out. " How long have you been here?" she asked as she looked toward the stairs again. Guessing that the director came here before they got home.

"Just a couple of minutes before you two came. I didn't say anything because it seemed like you needed to talk alone. I should've given you more time." he told them with a smile.

"Wait, Seng? As in Seng Wichai?" Nikki all of a sudden asked, causing Kru A and Sasha to look at her inquisitively.

"Yes. None other. Why?" Kru A answered but with a return question with wonders in his eyes. The girl's facial expression is giving a reason that she's not happy to hear the name.

"Didn't you date him?" She asked plainly, hiding her jealously as she looked intensely at Sasha.

"Yeah. Once or twice. A date, nothing big. Why?" Sasha asked as she searched the girl's face for answers. She couldn't help but subtly smile at her stone cold face. It's obvious that she is a little upset.

"Nothing. Just asking. I wasn't sure if I was remembering right. He use to talk and brag about how you two were going out. It was so irritating to hear." Nikki bitterly explained. Hating the thought of Seng and Sasha being in the same space anytime soon.

"Relax, it was barely two dates and a kiss."

"Whatever. I didn't need to know that." Nikki said as she looked away from her. Now she had the image of the guy and Sasha kissing and suddenly her blood boiled. She had tasted her lips too. It's making her angry right now and she didn't know why.

"Excuse me. I have some calls to make." Kru A broke the tension between the two before he made his exit. That was one conversation he didn't want to be there for.

"Wait. Why you sounded so upset?" Sasha snapped.

"I sounded upset? Are you deaf or something? Why will I be upset? Come on bro, I'm not upset. I'm fine and it's none of my business! You can go around and kiss whoever you want and I don't care!"

"Ok, fine. You're not upset. If that's what floats your boat. But it's not like when Seng gets here I'm going to jump in his bone or something." Sasha explained though in the back of her head she was wondering why she was trying to explain and make the girl understand something that really wasn't any of her business. Why did it bother her that Nikki looks upset?

"Like I said, Sarocha, do whatever you want." Nikki coldly said as she kept looking forward. Brushing her off.

"Ughh!!! This is why I hate you! Because you're a selfish opinionated idiot! You are so stubborn and an asshole! And clueless!" Sasha suddenly snapped too as she stood from the sofa and marched out of the living room, purposely stomping her feet like a five year old sulking child.

"What?!!! Why am I clueless? For what, Sarocha?!" Nikki called out to her.


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