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Nikki walked into the room, her heart was breaking for the girl. She too was in a state of shock about what they had learn about what happened to Nam. She was hoping that it was just a dream but the pain that she was feeling for Sasha was enough for her to realize that none of this is part of any dream.

She slowly shut the door behind her then realized that the girl she's looking for was no where in sight. She almost panicked until she heard the shower head running.

"Babe? Are you all right?" She called out as she knocked lightly on the door but heard no response.

Shit! She cursed under her breath after she didn't heard anything from the girl inside. She thought of something to do and he had her decision final. To opened the door and stepped inside because what if Sasha did something unlikable there?

"Sasha, answer me. Are you okay? Im gonna break this door if you don't answer me!" She tried to threaten but there's nothing to be heard from inside rather than the rushing water coming from the shower.

Without wasting time as Nikki's heart rate was elevated with unnecessary thoughts in her head, she opened the bathroom door and she sighed in relief when she realized that it wasn't locked.

She found Sasha sitting inside the shower floor, didn't even looked at her or recognized her presence as the water pouring over her head, and is only covered with two pieces underwear. For a moment, she was stunned as she wasn't ready to see what's in front of her. She swallowed hard and look away before she lose her grip on her mind. It's not the best time to think such a thing. You know?

But even though water was pouring down Sasha's face, she saw she had been crying. So she turned to her again as here comes another feeling that tears her heart. She grabbed the large towel in the hook and then stepped inside the shower area, switching off the shower knob as she kneeled down in front of the girl and gently wrapped the towel around her and that's the only time Sasha looked at her, as if she just realizing she was there.

"You made me worry. What are you doing in here?" Nikki asked, looking into her pain filled eyes. "Come, let's get you out of here before you get a cold."

But Sasha shook her head like a little stubborn girl as she hugged her knees more tighter, pulling them closer to her chest.

"I don't want to move because everything hurts. To move, to think. I just want to stay here so please let me be." she explained in a begging tone, as fresh tears running down her face.

Nikki thought she just heard her own heart breaking for her. Now, all she want is to take some of those pain or even all of it and bear them so Sasha wouldn't have to. She wish she could but she realized, she's good as useless.

"If you stay here like that. You're gonna catch a cold. I know you don't care right now but you will later." She knew she was in pain right now but soon she would get angry. She know Sasha, she didn't like to be forced to do something she didn't want and if she kept pushing her, she would be pissed at her but Nikki don't care so she lifted Sasha into her arms and carried her out of the bathroom. Water was dripping all over the place but neither seemed to notice or just simply didn't care. As they came out in the room, she placed her down on her bed and went to get more towels, placing them down next to her and sat down.

Sasha just looked at her, into her deep brown eyes. She knew what Nikki meant by those thoughtful gesture but she didn't say anything. In a second she decided to stand and walk back to the bathroom, ignoring the fact that she's half naked in front of Nikki. If their situation was before, she would've slapped the girl for just brushing her sight on her body but right now, it doesn't bother her even a bit. In fact, what Nikki did really warm her heart. If she's being honest, she didn't expect that. Coming out a minute later in a long t-shirt, her hair tied back.

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