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"You wanted to see me?" Sasha asked as she entered Kru A's office. She already hated her first day with the pile of paperworks and three hours of overlooking Lisa's case.

"Yeah, have a seat." The director said as he pointed to the chair in front of his desk. "The authorities in Phuket just called and filled me in on their plans. They said they sent SWAT team to check out Nop's house there. There's an evidence someone was recently there and there's no proof that it could've been anyone besides him. The weak lead just became stronger. Then they asked around and at least five different people have seen him. It's only a matter of time now Sasha before he's caught and brought here." He positively said.

"That's great to know."

"Yeah. But I want to know what are you thinking?" The guy asked when he saw something was on her mind.

Sasha sighed deeply because she hated this but it was a feeling she couldn't shake. Her goes her anger and suspicions boiled in one place inside her chest.

"Not much but why i felt like it seems too easy. I mean, all this time Nop was lying and stealing and no one knew, he's not stupid. So finding him easily is kind of suspicious. Are you sure this is no a trap? Who's the source? Is this person reliable? I'm sorry but it all just seems unlike what I thought would happen." She explained. But she knew evidence is what mattered and they had the right stuff. Everything said he was there except her gut. Maybe it was just paranoia because she thought it would take longer and more work.

"I know you're starting to over analyze things your way, Sasha. But for your peace of mind, the source is reliable. I read her files and the agent is just so good in her job. Roseanne Park is one of the best agents I have ever met here in our Bangkok base and Im telling you, her record is outstanding. She has offers from all around the world but she chose to stay her rather than her homeland. She's Korean but born in Australia. She's leading this case as a personal favor to me, and I trust her word." The director elaborated and sounded so serious. His sense of authority is up in the air that Sasha couldn't raise any questions anymore. It shuts her up for a moment since she saw how serious he was about this so she had no reasons to doubt his word or trust to believe something was wrong.

"I'm sorry Kru A. I guess I just expected the worse. It's what I'm use to, you know? I know this is asking a lot but when they bring him back into our jurisdiction, may I question him?"

That probably wasn't the best idea in the director's mind. He knew her better and surely, no matter how much she promised, he know she wouldn't be able to hold her temper if Nop's going to be in front of her. She never has.

"I suggest you sit in and if it goes smoothly you can ask him what you need to."

"Thank you, Kru A." It wasn't what she wanted but it was better then nothing at all, Sasha thought.

"How's Lalisa doing? How did it go with you two anyway?"

"It went great. I like her right away. The girl has this bright and positive aura and I think she'd make a great agent for the time. She's a little nervous and scared of failing but I think with time she'll be just fine. Bangkok base is lucky to find a gem like her." She explained. She and Lisa spent the last couple of hours together and it was refreshing to talk to someone with a good sense of work dedication and someone who she shared a lot in common with. She could consider the girl to fit in their time if you gonna ask her but it's not in her hands to decide.

"That's great and exactly what I wanted to hear. And what do you think of the case?" Kru A asked further with a content smile.

"It's pretty open and shut at the same time. I think the local PD just got lazy and called us in. I think the father took his son and I don't blame him considering the mother seems like everyone's worst nightmare. Now, Lisa's tracking the father down to make sure." Sasha explained before she stood from her seat and walk neared the door. "Anyway, I gotta go, Kru A. I suddenly feel like under the weather." She added.

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