Chapter 4: A Long Night

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Isabelle's p.o.v

"Am i just your dirty little secret for tonight?" I asked. "What? No!" He said. "Well thats what it sounds like." I said as I started walking towards the door. "Belle, stop!" He yelled. I turned back around to look at him. "Sit down, please." He said as he also sat down on one of the chairs. I sat next to him and he grabbed my hand. "You don't know what its like. Once the press finds out about you your whole life will change. Yes we will get publicity out of it and ill get to show you off to the world but with that also comes hate and drama. Stuff that could ruin your life. I don't want that for you. I just want to enjoy this while its still new and fresh. I like you a lot and i don't want this to end." He explained. I felt like a total asshole. "Justin I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I completely overreacted." I apologized. "Do not apologize. I get it, trust me i want to show the world how gorgeous you are. I just don't want to ruin what we have right now." He said sweetly. "So what is it that we have? I have to go back home tomorrow and you have to continue your tour. This will never work anyway Justin." I said sadly . He sat in silence for a minute and then looked at me. "Come on tour with me." He spontaneously suggested. "What? Justin i have a life I can't just drop everything and live on a bus for months. I also don't want to rush this, i mean we just met." I said honestly. "But we don't have to rush it. There are multiple buses. One is empty you can have that one so we wont see each other all of the time, you can have your space and privacy, you can even bring Molly. I just need more time with you." He said as he put his hand on my cheek. "Think about it, if you decide to come, meet me by the buses tomorrow night after the show. But for now lets just finish this date." He said smiling. "Oh so this is a date?" I asked with a giggle. "Oh absolutely!" He said picking me up and jumping back into the pool with me.

Justin's p.o.v

  Isabelle and I were relaxing on the day beds that they had by the pool. We were both getting tired so we were just laying down on our phones waiting for our swim suits to dry. I glanced over at her and admired her entire body, scanning her with my eyes up and down. I slightly bit my lip because the sight of her was turning me on. I could feel myself starting to grow in my pants so i sat up quickly to cover myself. "What's wrong?" She asked, noticing how quickly i sat up. "Oh, nothing, everything's fine." I said nervously. She glanced at my hands covering my dick and figured out the issue. "Oh, i see." She smiled while blushing. "I guess i am just to hot to handle." She said making a joke as she stood up and kissed me on the cheek.

My phone then began to ring. It was my body guards calling to tell me that the hotel was surrounded by fans and paparazzi. "Fuck, what do i do, i cant leave?" I said on the phone. "We blocked off a path so you can get out safely." My bodyguard told me on the phone. "Okay, i will be there soon." I responded and then hung up the phone. "Well i guess our date is over." I said sadly. "Come on, walk me to my room before we say goodbye." She said holding out her hand.

We made our way up to her hotel room, walking as slow as possible because we did not want this night to end. We arrived to the outside of her door and just stood in the hallway for a minute. "So, this is it." She said sadly. "Think about what i told you, okay?" I said hoping she would join me on tour. "Justin... I don't know if..." "shhhh." I said cutting her off. "Just think about it." I said as i was inches from her face. The sexual tension was off the rails between us. I wanted her so bad.
I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. Distracting me, i pull it out only to see that it was my body guard calling yet again. "Whats up?" I asked. "It's getting pretty wild out here, you need to hurry." He said over the screaming fans in the background. "On my way." I said and then hung up my phone, placing it back in my pocket. "Do you want me to walk you down?" Isabelle asked. I shook my head no and kissed her on the cheek. "I don't want to risk them seeing you. I want to enjoy our time alone a little bit longer before paparazzi gets involved." I said sweetly. "Okay, call me tomorrow before you go on stage?" She questioned. "Of course." I said and we hugged tightly. We said our goodbyes and i started down the hallway to the elevator. "Justin wait." She shouted a few feet away from me. I turned around, confused only to have her lips met with mine. As our lips moved in sync i placed both hands on her face and just embraced her with everything i had in me. It was perfect, she is perfect. Am I delusional or is she doing something to me. Fuck i am crazy for this girl.
We broke from the kiss and just rested our foreheads together. "What was that for?" I asked, caressing her cheek with my thumb. "Just in case this is goodbye for a while." She said sadly. "Think about the tour. If you decide not to come then just know that i will call you every single day just to hear your voice." I said. "Ill talk to you soon okay?" She said. "Okay." I smiled at her and kissed her one last time before going our separate ways.


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