Chapter 9: Steamy

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Justin's p.o.v

I walked off of the stage and immediately grabbed some water. I was sweating bullets because it was extremely hot outside. From the stage to the dressing room was how long it took me to finish the water, which was not that far. When i got to the dressing room I expected to find Isabelle there but she wasn't. Instead she left me a note on the couch that read,

Hey sexy,
You absolutely killed it out there and looked so damn good while doing it. You quite literally made me probably the horniest girl in the entire stadium so i had to excuse myself. Bring you and only you back to the bus, you'll find me there, don't keep me waiting to long.
- Belle

Holy shit. I immediately grabbed my belongings and ran out of the dressing room. Everyone that passed me on the way kept asking why i was running but i just ignored them.
   I made it to the bus and slowly unlocked the door and went inside. "Belle?" I called out as she was nowhere to be found. Suddenly the back bedroom door opened and she walked out with a black silk robe on. "Hey." She said as she put her index finger between her teeth and leaned up against the wall. "God damn, what the hell are you doing to me." I breathed. I could instantly feel myself grow in my pants. I was horny as fuck. "I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you." She said while slowly taking her robe off revealing her black laced bra and thong. "Damn baby." I said as my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. I bit my lip as I admired her body, every inch of it. She came up to me and lifted my shirt over my head to take it off and throwing in on the floor. She connected our lips and we started making out. I moved from her lips to her neck and lifted her up to place her on the bus's kitchen island. I spread her legs and pulled her thong off, tossing it across the room. She leaned back as i started to lick her pussy all over. Moaning over and over i could tell she enjoyed every minute of it. I then lifted her off of the island and she pushed me up against the wall. "Fuck." I whispered. She is hot as hell. She then pulled my pants down and started sucking my dick in long slow strokes and it felt amazing. She then licked me up my abs and to my lips which caused us to start making out again. I picked her up and brought her back to the bedroom and tossed her on the bed carefully. "God damn you are so sexy." She said as she bit her lip. I climbed on top of her and started kissing her all over. "Fuck me Justin." She moaned. "Are you sure its okay?" I asked to make sure it wasn't to soon. She nodded her head yes and i started kissing her passionately. She then rolled over so that she was on top and I placed myself inside of her. She moaned loudly and continuously as she rode my dick. God it felt so good. We then rolled again so that i was on top and I continued to go in and out as she moaned. I then unhooked her bra and started sucking on her tits as i fucked her. She eventually orgasmed and moaned so loud and dug her nails into my back. I then ejaculated onto her tits and we both rolled to our sides to catch our breath. If I wasn't sweating enough from the concert i was definitely sweating now.

Isabelle's p.o.v

I just had the orgasm of a lifetime. I swear to god no one has ever made me feel that good. It was definitely going to be an addiction. That was hands down, the best sex i have ever had. Justin walked out of the room and i heard him go into the bathroom. Minutes later he came back and held out his hand. "Come on i filled up the tub for you to relax in." He smiled. Why is he literally perfect? No man has ever gone to these lengths to make me feel so good. I followed him into the bathroom and there were bubbles in the bath with two wine glasses and a bottle of wine next to the tub. I looked at him and smiled, "are you joining me?" I asked. "Absolutely." He said kissing me. We both got into the bathtub and buried our bodies in the water. We didn't talk, we just relaxed in silence and just embraced the touch of each others bodies under the water. He started rubbing my feet at one point as i rested my head back on the tub. He then climbed over top of me and started kissing my neck playfully. I giggled at his cuteness and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. "God you are so damn beautiful." He said as he looked at me in awe. I blushed and he kissed my cheek. "I want you to be my girlfriend." He said after a long pause. Holy shit. Justin Bieber wants me... ME to be his girlfriend? This cannot be happening. I smiled so big and kissed him once more. "Are you sure?" I asked. "I mean this is me, this is all you're going to get. I do hair for a living, I'm a small town girl, i get pimples occasionally and most of the time i eat way to many carbs." I continued. He kissed me and smiled. "And that's exactly why i want you. You are perfectly imperfect and you are just... you. You're real, you don't treat me like I'm some trophy. You treat me like I'm human and i love that." He explained. "Then yes, i will be your girlfriend." I said smiling. "Hell yeah." He said giving me one more kiss.

The next afternoon was spent entirely on the bus as we traveled to the next city until we arrived in Salt Lake City. When the bus parked, Molly and Nick eventually made there way onto our bus. I was wearing a tan knitted sweater, black ripped jeans and some black booties.

I was lounging on the couch scrolling through my phone and Justin was in the kitchen making himself something to eat for lunch

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I was lounging on the couch scrolling through my phone and Justin was in the kitchen making himself something to eat for lunch. Molly sat next to me and Nick went up to Justin to greet him. "How was the ride?" Justin asked Nick. "Terrible, we were so bored." Nick said as he grabbed a bag of chips from our kitchen cabinet and started eating them. "I see you guys had fun though." He said. I looked at Justin, confused and then we both looked at Nick confused again. Thats when he pointed to my black thong on the floor beside the couch. "Shit." I said as i grabbed my thong quickly and brought it to the hamper in the bathroom. "Hell yeah, my best friend got laid." Molly shouted. "Was it good? We want all the details." She said. "No we are not giving you guys details." I said, now standing next to Justin. "It was hot." Justin said and i smacked his arm playfully. "Shut up." I laughed. "What, you started it." He smiled. I rolled my eyes and let out a giggle. I could feel my self blushing as i replayed that night in my head. "Do you think we should tell them?" I asked. "Tell us what?" Nick questioned. "We're official!" He said in a goofy way and then giggled after. "Shut up!" Molly said out of excitement. "Im dating Justin fucking Bieber." I said fangirling a little bit.

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