Chapter 7: Drunken Decisions

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Justin's p.o.v

"That is sick bro." I said to Nick as he showed me some new choreography. We spent the morning working on the choreography so i had no time to prepare for Isabelle coming in. I rushed to the tour bus to shower and get ready to see her. I threw on a hoodie, ripped jeans and a beanie and waited for her in the tour bus.

I wanted to do something special for her since we only had two days together so i had my team set something up while i was learning choreography with Nick

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I wanted to do something special for her since we only had two days together so i had my team set something up while i was learning choreography with Nick. The butterflies in my stomach were insane. Why am i so nervous? It has been so long what if she doesn't like me as much anymore? What if my outfit isn't good enough? Should i put on more cologne? I stood up and sprayed one more squirt of cologne out of nervousness. I walked around the bus a million times just tidying up stuff that really was already tidied up. My hands started sweating and i kept looking at the door waiting for it to open. Will she think I'm weird if i am just sitting here waiting for her? Should i go in the back? I thought as i walked towards my room in the back of the bus. No thats rude I thought again as i started walking back towards the front of the bus. Thats when i heard it. The door opened. "Hello?" Her voice. Like music to my ears. Shit. She is really here. Holy fuck. I walked faster to the door and there she was. My heart beating faster than ever. Am i about to have a heart attack? It feels like it. "Belle." I said in relief. It felt like every piece of the puzzle that was missing just all came together. Every weight was lifted off of my shoulders. She was here. She instantly made me feel at home.
She was wearing a cropped tank top and sweatpants with UGG slippers. She looked so comfy but so sexy at the same time.

"Hey" she smiled while biting her lip

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"Hey" she smiled while biting her lip. "Holy fuck you are actually here." I said smiling so big. She smiled at me and started to tear up. "Come here." I said opening my arms and she dropped her bags and jumped into my arms so fast. Her face was buried into my chest and i could feel my heart beating so fast out of happiness. I pulled away from the hug, placed my hands on her face and smashed my lips into hers. We kissed continuously, smiling through some kisses. "God i missed you" i said through the kisses. I picked her up, wrapping her legs around me as we continued to make out. I heard the door to the bus open again which made us break from the kiss. "Well i can tell you two missed each other." Nick said as he brought Isabelles bags into the tour bus. We both started blushing as i put her back down and Isabelle grabbed her bags. "You need that much stuff for two days?" I asked shocked at how much stuff she needed. "As your permanent hair stylist i think i need to be with you more than two days right?" She said. "You're kidding." I said excitedly. She smiled as she slowly walked up to me kissing me slowly and softly. "I guess you can also call me your new roommate." She said kissing me again and again. I slowly broke from the kiss and looked at Nick. "Nick I'm gonna need you to leave now." I said. He got the hint and left the bus. I picked her up and carried her back to my room. I shut the door behind us and locked it. I laid her on the bed as she giggled. "You make me crazy." I said as i bit my lip and admired her body. "You look so sexy right now." She said as she bit her lip. "Please, you have no idea what thoughts are running through my mind." I said swooning over her. This girl makes me insane. The things i could do to her. I could feel myself grow in my pants as i ran my hands along her body. I leaned in for more kisses and we just embraced each other with our bodies and kisses. "Justin Drew Bieber. The things i could do to you." She said as she bit her lip which made me extremely horny. Fucking Christ this girl is doing something to me. "Fuck Belle." I said as we continued kissing. She broke from the kiss and placed her finger on my lips. "Thats all for now." She said winking at me as she rolled out of the bed. This girl. "We're going to be living together for a few months. It wont be that easy." She winked at me again and bit her lip. "Fuck, you are so sexy."
   She unlocked the bedroom door and ran her fingers through her hair. I smiled at her as i watched her walk away. This girl is going to keep me on my toes.

Isabelle's p.o.v

I grabbed my bags and started unpacking everything. "Ooo are you going to model these for me." Justin said as he picked up my thong. "In your dreams Jay." I said grabbing them back and placing them in a drawer. "Do this later, i have a surprise for you." He said as he grabbed a box from the closet. "Put this on." He said handing me the box. I opened it up and inside was a cute cocktail dress for me to put on. "Justin, you didn't have to do this. I would have been fine with pizza." I said feeling guilty. "We have plenty of time for pizza." He said winking at me "now go get ready." He said kissing me softly.
I went into the bedroom to get ready. I straightened my hair, put on some light make up and jewelry. Lastly i slipped on the dress he got me and it was stunning to say the least.

 Lastly i slipped on the dress he got me and it was stunning to say the least

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I walked out of the bedroom and Justins face lit up. "God damn, you are incredible." He said admiring me from head to toe. "Do you like what you see?" I said teasing him as i spun around slowly showing off the dress. He pulled me in close placing his hands on my sides. "Mmm, i know what i want for dessert." He said biting his lip. Damn i am so crazy for this man. He had on a dress shirt and dress pants looking hot as fuck. He opened the door to the tour bus for me and held my hand as we walked out together. It was super late at night so there were no fans around thankfully. He took me up to the roof of the arena where there were lights, a table and two chairs waiting for us. "Jay, you don't have to do all of this! Seriously." I said. He ignored me and pulled the chair out for me to sit. I gave him a kiss before sitting down. "This is so perfect." I said to him. "The perfect date for the perfect girl." He said as he sat down across from me.

   We spent the next hour just talking about life. Learning more and more about each other. I feel like we could talk forever. He grabbed my hand from across the table as we talked and just rubbed his thumb across the top of my hand. The comfort i felt with him was incredible. I have never felt this comfortable with a man in my life. I mean nothing even comes close to how he makes me feel. "I missed you so much Belle." He said to me. "I missed you too." I smiled. "I am so happy you decided to come with me on tour. Truly, you have no idea how much I appreciate you." He said sweetly. "I didn't want to be away from you any longer." I admitted. We both blushed and just stared in each others eyes.
We had a couple glasses of Dom Perignon which is a very expensive wine. Needless to say we were very giggly and getting pretty drunk. We both were giggling and teasing each other the whole time as we headed back to the bus. When we arrived at the bus i went in and took my heels off then let all of my body weight fall onto the couch. "That was fun and you looked sexy as hell tonight." A drunk Justin said as he planted a kiss on my lips and then headed back to the bedroom to change into something comfy. I followed him back there to watch him change because selfishly i wanted to see. He is hot as fuck, ill take any chance to see him naked... what the hell am i thinking? Am i really that drunk? It seemed like I couldn't think straight. Seeing him naked? I mean yes he probably looks fine as hell but its way too soon. But there i was still walking back to the bedroom. He was standing in the room with sweatpants on and was about to put on a T-shirt before i stopped him. I traced his tattoos on his chest with my finger and then pushed him onto the bed. "Belle what are you..." I interrupted him by putting my finger on his lips to shush him. He then bit his bottom lip as i started to pull his pants down. "Holy fuck." He whispered as i watched him grow through his Calvin Klein boxers. "Belle you're drunk." He said. "Shhh, i know what I'm doing." I said biting my lip and pulling his boxers down. I grabbed his dick in my hand and started giving him a hand job. He was huge and i could tell he was enjoying every minute of it. I then put my mouth around him and started sucking and rubbing. I wanted to make sure he appreciated every minute of me. "Fucking christ, i missed you" he moaned as he embraced the feeling of me. I then stopped sucking and started licking his shaft and thats when he picked me up and laid me on the bed. He pulled my dress up and started kissing my stomach. "Are you sure this is okay?" He asked. I nodded "yes" as i bit my lip. He removed my thong with his teeth and started kissing me between my thighs until he made his way to my pussy. He licked me up and down going fast and slow while fingering me at the same time. Holy fuck this man made me so wet. He knew what the fuck he was doing and it felt so good. I was moaning softly and ran my fingers through his hair as he did what he does best. Holy fuck what is happening right now.


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