Chapter Thirteen: The Returning Soldier

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In a small town, any piece of news, whether it be exhilarating or commonplace, spreads like wildfire. So, it doesn't take long before the news of Frederich Elwood's return reaches Eliza's ears. But just when she actually relies on the power of gossip to give her more information, that is all that is being said, much to her chagrin. She hasn't seen any of his family recently, and so she hasn't even been able to ask them how he is doing. He has been home for a few days, and he hasn't even reached out or given the intention he wants to see her.

    So, when she hears a knock at the door, her heart jumps a little. Rising from the dining table, she wipes her mouth with her napkin.

    "You boys continue your lunch, I will see who is at the door."

    The boys happily oblige as they slurp up their vegetable soup. Alice leaves the dining room table and answers the door.

    She is greeted by an older woman at the door. It is Mrs. Elwood.

    "Well, Mrs. Elwood! It's so good to see you!"

    "It's good to see you, too, Alice. May I come in?"

    Alice takes a step back. "Of course. The boys and I are just finishing up lunch."

    Mrs. Elwood looks at her confused. "The boys?" Then her face relaxes. "Oh, that's right. The two boys that you rescued."

    "Well, it wasn't just me. But come in."

    Alice leads her into the dining room in the hopes of offering her something to eat and introducing her to the boys. They need to meet people and have other adults they can trust. When they enter, the boys look up, alerted by the presence of another person in the room. "Boys, this is Mrs. Elwood. She is a good friend of mine. Would you please say hello?"

    "Hello," they respond quietly in unison.

    Mrs. Elwood gives a gentle wave. "Nice to meet you, boys."

    Jimmy shares a tiny wave and Alice appreciates Mrs. Elwood's gentleness.

    "Mrs. Elwood, can I offer you some vegetable soup?"

    "Oh, no thank you. I ate before I came."

    "Well, can I offer you some tea?"

    Mrs. Elwood nods. "Tea would be fine."

    "I'll put the kettle on." Alice quickly leaves for the kitchen and puts the kettle on the stove. Returning, she still finds the boys watching Mrs. Elwood, who has been busying herself by looking out the window.

    "You live on such beautiful land, Alice. I am surprised not many people live this far from town."

    Alice chuckles. "I believe the 'far' part is the reason why."

    Mrs. Elwood turns back to Alice and smiles sheepishly. "Oh, I suppose you're right."

    Alice turns to Randy and Jimmy. "Go ahead and finish eating your lunch, boys. Mrs. Elwood and I will be visiting in the parlor." She then gestures for Mrs. Elwood to follow her and she leads the way into the parlor. Once there, she offers Mrs. Elwood a seat and she softly sits down. Alice sits in her favorite armchair. "So, how have you been, Mrs. Elwood? How's–how's Freddie?"

    "I've been fine, and Freddie–You see, that's why I am here."

    "Oh?" Is he alright?"

    "He's alive but he's...not all put together. He–you know he was missing."

    Alice nods.

    Mrs. Elwood continues, "Well, that was because they couldn't identify him. He was so disfigured that they had to wait for him to be able to speak so that he could tell them who he was...!" She tries to control herself, but Alice can see the tears streaming down her face. Alice rises and sits next to her on the sofa, and takes her hand to comfort her. When she can continue, after taking a few deep breaths, she does. "He lost his left forearm, part of his left leg, and a part of his face."

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