Chapter Twenty-Seven: What Truly Matters

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The three still stand on that mountain, just a few feet from Arthur's grave. An Eagle flies overhead, trilling its high-pitched cry as it soars into the clouds.

Jack's heart races as he stands face to face with Charles, still in disbelief. Reunions are rare for him, and he doesn't know how to act in this situation. His mind is a blur of memories and emotions, unsure of where to begin.

But before Jack can make a move, Charles has already made his decision. With a quick step forward, he envelops Jack in a tight hug. Jack can feel the raw strength in Charles' arms, even at his advanced age.

He is about the same age as his own father, if he were still alive. It is as if nothing has changed since they last saw each other when Jack was becoming a young man. A surge of fear and admiration rushes through Jack. How has Charles maintained such formidable strength after all these years? As they pull away from the hug, Jack can't help but wonder what adventures and challenges Charles has encountered during their time apart.

But that will have to come later. Right now, he has an obligation.

With a gentle release from Charles' embrace, Jack takes a step back beside Alice. The warmth of her hand in his brings a sense of calm and reassurance. Meeting her eyes, he sees a soft smile grace her lips. Turning back to Charles, he clears his throat and begins the introduction. "I would like you to meet someone...This is Alice, my wife." As he says the words, he can feel his heart swell with love and pride. He takes a deep breath to steady his voice before adding, "And she's Arthur's daughter." The weight of this revelation hangs in the air, the significance not lost on any of them.

Charles stares at Alice for a moment, taking in the features so much like Arthur's. After a pause, he steps forward. "I thought I had almost gone crazy...but wearing his hat, I—" and extends his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Alice," he says warmly. "You have your father's eyes...and his spirit, it seems."

Alice looks at Charles, her face radiant with a hopeful light that wasn't there before. She reaches for his hand and gives it a firm shake; a gesture filled with sincerity and respect. "I've read so much about you, Charles," she replies softly. "My father wrote highly of you."

Charles' eyes fill with tears again. "He was a good man." His gaze wanders back to the gravestone marking Arthur's resting place, a silent testament to a bond that was unbreakable, even after death. "I come here every year, around this time." He swallows. "To honor him, and the rest who fell."

A realization comes over Alice, and she gasps softly. "You buried him here."

Charles nods. "Yes, I did."

Alice goes to hug him, nearly surprising Charles with her open gesture, but as though she were family, he welcomes the embrace.

"Thank you," she says softly.

Charles nods, his arms still around Alice. "He was my brother in all but blood," he murmurs, his voice choked with emotion. "The least I could give him was a fitting place to rest."

Alice pulls away from Charles, her eyes shining. Jack watches the exchange, a sense of contentment stealing over him. This reunion, fraught with longing and years of lost time, feels exactly right.

She wants to talk to him, ask him questions, and learn all that she can about her father and Jack's family. "Where are you staying?"

Charles points behind him, westward. "I have a cabin. My wife and I stay there when we visit."

Alice's eyes lift. "Your wife?"

Charles smiles warmly, his mind, no doubt, thinking of her. "Yes. Though she is back home this time, in Canada."

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