Chapter Twenty-Six: For Such a Time as This--Part II

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It's been two weeks since the event. With some gentle encouragement, Alice has been moving about the house. Not her full self, but she can be found sitting by the window, watching the day pass. She knows Jack will continue to try to get her to sit outside on the porch, but she is grateful he isn't pushy about it.

After a morning soak in the tub, she comes out of the washroom wearing a simple dress that isn't constricting, her hair in a long braid down her back. As she turns the corner, passing the boy's room, she feels aimless. Should she sit by the window again? Make herself some tea? She doesn't feel the desire for anything. She hasn't even cared to ask who is tending to the garden.

She decides to go sit by the window. Making her way toward the parlor, she sees something on the dining room table that catches her eye.

A note.

Turning on her heels, she walks over to it, picking it up to read.

Come outside. Everything is packed. Frederich and Gwen will be here in a few minutes.

Just go with it.

What? This is Jack's handwriting, what does he mean by all this? Packed? Alice feels too confused to bother asking herself more questions. Or perhaps, she's too tired to think much about it. She sets the paper down slowly, her brow pinched.

She lifts her head to look at the front door. If she stays inside, they will be kept waiting. All she needs to do is say no, and Jack won't make her do anything she doesn't want to.

But, at the same time, her curiosity is piqued, like a little spark that threatens to become a flame.

She sighs, letting the air escape her lungs slowly, and heads for the door.

Her eyes ache as they adjust to the morning's brightness. And she lifts a hand to shield her eyes.

"Mommy...!" she hears and footfalls through the gravel before arms wrap around her. "Isn't it pretty outside?"

She feels odd, it wasn't just a couple of weeks ago that she wished her boys would always want her hugs and affection. But now, as she's receiving it, she can't bring herself to reciprocate it. She looks down at the beaming boy, her expression unchanging from the squinty eyes and flattened lips.

She hears quick steps approach them. "Jimmy..." Jack takes him gently by the arm and pulls him away from her. "Remember what we talked about...?"

Jimmy instantly frowns. His lips pursed. "But, Daddy...I..."

He walks away with the boy, bending over to talk quietly with him. "I know, but she needs her space. That's why..." His voice fades and she can no longer hear what he's saying. She watches the boy's face as he listens quietly to his father. After a moment he nods, his head bowed into his chest. Jack crouches down to meet him face-to-face and pulls him into a hug.

Alice's heart aches. Her eyes then lift to notice something completely out of place on their homestead.

An automobile.

Wait, an automobile?!

Its metal body glints in the sun. She has seen them more and more since the town's budding expansion and drove that ambulance in the war, but it is strange to have one sitting right here in her front yard.

She's almost rendered speechless but manages to say a couple of words. "What's happening?"

Jack looks up at her as he remains crouched beside their son. He slowly rises to a standing position with a soft grunt. "I thought it would make for an easier ride."

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