Chapter Twenty-Nine: If I'm Alice

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October 1920

"Mama, I need help." Randy comes into the washroom while Alice fixes up her hair. He has his bow tie ribbon around his neck and holds each end. "I can't do this right."

Alice twirls a section of her hair around her finger and lets it fall in a separate ringlet. She wears a lacey light yellow dress with pearl embroidery at the sleeves and hem of the gown. It is the fanciest dress she owns, and the most modern, as the hem quits just above her ankles. Paired with her sophisticated hairstyle, which she refuses to cut like other modern women, she looks like an angel.

She turns around, looks at her son and absentmindedly rests a hand on her belly. She is four months pregnant, and her belly has started to show through everything she wears. Randy eyes her stomach and halts in his steps.

"Something wrong?" she asks.

He shakes his head and she can tell that he is a little apprehensive. "Is the baby really growing in there?" Randy's voice is filled with a mixture of awe and uncertainty. "It almost seems...strange."

Alice smiles softly at him, reaching to help him with his bow tie. "Yes, sweetheart. You're going to be a big brother." And thinking about what he just said, she chuckles. "And how is it strange?"

He shrugs his shoulders, careful not to move too much while she finishes his tie. "You're carrying it with you everywhere you go...for months." He looks down contemplatively before speaking again. "Does it hurt?"

"It's uncomfortable sometimes, but it doesn't hurt."

"But it will though, right?"

Alice finishes his bowtie and straightens it to make it look nice. "Don't you worry about that, alright?" And turning him around she encourages him to leave. "Now, go see if your father is ready. We don't want to be late."

Seeing him off, she turns back around to look at her reflection one last time. Her freckled skin and ruddy cheeks look prominent against the pale yellow of her gown, her bishop sleeves exuding elegance. Her hands lower to cup the lower part of her stomach and she eyes its roundness.

Even now, it is still sometimes hard to believe.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I present you, Mister and Missus Elwood!"

The gathering erupts in applause as they focus their attention on the newly married couple. Hand in hand, Freddie walks with Gwen, his wife, and stops to pull her into a kiss.

She caresses his face, and when they part, she looks at him with such love and care, that Alice can't help but be happy for them. Gwen makes him feel like a man like he is the most attractive person in the room, and the happiness of this shows on his face.

No doubt his facial surgery has helped boost his confidence, but Alice knows that it wouldn't have made a difference to how he feels inside. That's all credit to Gwen's undying love and dedication to him.

He looks like a whole new person, because love made him whole. Love did that.

Music begins to play and the gathering accompanies the music in dance and song. Freddie takes Gwen in his arms and gracefully moves in a decent step to the music, no one would know that he uses a prosthetic.

Alice feels a tap on her shoulder. Turning, she sees Jack and he theatrically bows with an air of flamboyance. She chuckles, rolling her eyes.

"May I have this dance, Mrs. Marston?"

Alice smirks. "I don't know, good sir, you'd have to ask my husband."

Jack decides to play along. "Well, shame for him to leave such a beautiful woman unattended..." And he eyes her budding round belly. "...especially one so clearly deserving of every happiness."

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