Sickness (2)

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(Third Person POV)

This morning was nothing but pain.

Chosen woke up with an insane migraine and a rough cough. The odd thing about this was, Chosen didn't get sick, ever. Not even with coughs. Rolling over in bed, Chosen tried to go back to sleep, but his eyes were burning. He felt shaky and weak.

Sighing, Chosen got up and walked to his bathroom, opening a drawer under the sink and reaching for the white bottle of pain-killers. Taking out a few, he swallowed them dry, coughed a bit, then rescrewed the bottle and put it back in its place. 

Sleazily, he walked back to his bed and flopped right onto it. He never got sick. What's wrong with him?


Over the next few days, he only got worse. There were times where Chosen struggled to breath from how much he coughed. He felt so sick he never felt like eating, even the thought of it made him vomit. He tried any type of medicine that he could scavenge from the city, but nothing was working.

On one specific day, it got to a point where it was obvious he needed help.

Sitting up, he tried to summon fire to help him warm up a bowl of soup he had made for himself.

His hand sparked, but nothing came of it.

Chosen's heart beat faster. He lost his powers. He was completely vulnerable now. There was nothing he could do about it.

Well, there was one thing.

Rolling over, Chosen groaned and got up. He hated to ask for help like this, especially from these sticks, but he was getting pretty desperate at this point. This sickness was just torture now, and being an outlaw of the city also meant no healthcare. If he stayed like this any longer, those mercenaries would definitely catch up.

Sighing, he picked up the phone.


So far, today had been pretty average for the group. Alan and Second were working peacefully together, getting an animation done. The others were mostly goofing off, as they always did. Red, however, sat in their living room, out of energy. He may as well have fallen asleep on the couch.

But then, the group phone rang.

'Hm?' Red sat up and looked at the ringing phone. Intrigued, he sat up and walked over, picking it up.



"Oh hey Chosen! What's up?"

"Uh.. nothing good.. I.. I need some help." A cough came through the receiver.

"You sound rough. Whaddya need?"

"I hate to ask you guys.. but I'm dealing with some kind of disease.. It's getting really bad.. I kind of can't take care of myself." A small coughing fit. "Could you.."

Red got the request. "Of course! I'll ask my friends. We don't have much to do anyways. We'll be right over."

"Thank you.." Chosen mumbled shyly before hanging up.

'That's odd. Chosen getting sick? Kinda unheard of.' The thing with Chosen was that he was pretty much immune to illnesses like a fever, cough, flu, anything of the sort. If he was badly sick now, this thing must be serious.

Stretching, Red exited and went to look for his other friends. Green, Blue, and Yellow were in the main hall. He quickly asked them to meet in the living room. Great, now all they needed was Second. Leaping onto the program Second and Alan were working on, Red waved him over. Second out down his pencil and walked over.

"Hey, Red."

"Hey, Sec. If Alan is ok with it, I wanna pull you away from work to talk to everyone about something. It's pretty important and I think you should hear."

"Alright, I'll see."

Second turned back to him

"Hey Alan?"

Alan dragged a text box over and typed.

"what's up"

"Red wants to take me out for a second, he has something he wants to tell me and the others. He says it's important. Can we take a break?"

"if it's that important, you can. don't take too long though"

"Awesome! Thanks Al, I'll be right back!"

Red smiled and waved at Alan, he returned the same look as they walked off.

Entering the living room, Red sat down.

"Hey guys!"

Second announced.

"Red has something important to say!"

Stopping their conversations, everyone nodded and looked at Red. Taking a deep breath, he spoke.

"I just received a call from Chosen. I was told that Chosen is insanely sick right now and he can't take care of himself. Trust me, he sounded really rough. I'm planning to go over and help him. I wanted to know if any of you guys would also like to come along and help out. I think he needs it."

"Damn.." Green muttered.

"That has to suck." Blue said.

"Right. If no one else comes, I'll go alone."

"Nah, I'll go! I'm quite knowledgeable with plants and medicines." Blue stood up. "I'll just have to pack."

"Me too." Yellow stood. "Do we know what illness this is?"

"No, this hasn't been seen before."

"Then I'll have to pack as well. I have books on topics like this, so I might be of some help."

"Awesome. Green, Second, are you tagging along?"

Green shook his head. "As much as I'd like to, I'd rather stay here. It'll be boring, but I really couldn't help."

"Yeah," Second added, "but quick question, am I allowed to tell Alan about this? I think he would care."

"Hm. I'd wait until we get the alright from Chosen himself."


"Well guys, get to packing, I'd like to get over there as soon as we can. Don't forget to pack masks and gloves! We don't know if this disease is infectious."

The two nodded and rushed off to pack their things.

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