Dead of Day (12)

190 4 15

(Third Person POV)

The morning was damp, and the air still reeked of blood. Alan hadn't quite gotten used to the smell yet, but there wasn't much he could do about it other than try to ignore it. DJ was still asleep and snoring lightly. Yawning, he got up and peeked out the window.

Same as yesterday, but a little worse than he remembered. Closing the blinds, he'd rub his eyes and hear his stomach growl. Right, they needed food. He hadn't eaten since the day before yesterday. Rustling came from the other bed as DJ woke up, lifting himself up. Alan turned to look at him.


"Oh.. hey. How long have you been up for?"

"Only a few minutes."


DJ turned and stood up, stretching once he was out of bed completely. "Does it look like anything has happened out there?"

"Nope, thankfully."

DJ nodded and walked over to the door, peeking out of it to see if there was anything outside.

"Nothing out front either."

"We'll have to go out, though."


"Well, we need food."

"Oh yeah. In that case, we should head out soon. It looks like it's calm outside right now."



They were on the road, but moving slowly, careful to not make too much noise. The area around them seemed clear, but they still felt the need to be cautious. Eventually, the car started to run out of fuel.

"Alan, would you happen to know if there's any gas stations around here?"

"How much farther will this go?"

"..about an hour."

"Turn at the next exit, you'll see it there, and we'll head to the town next."

Of course, he was right, there was a gas station where he had said. Unfortunately, as they turned in, it was in the same state as the other buildings.

Both of them got out and looked at the wreck that was still standing. DJ pulled at the pump next to the car, but it was broken.

"It doesn't work."

"Damn, maybe there's some extra gas cans inside? It's a long shot, but it's worth looking, right?"

"It is. Let's head in, but keep your guard up."

Alan nodded in response.

Once they got their bags, the two made their way over to the glass doors. Both were broken, but only one wasn't covered in webs. Once they were through, they were shocked and disappointed to see that this place was nearly completely infected. Some of the infecteds were asleep, and one was awake, but distracted with eating a recent kill. It took a lot of their strength to not make a sound and look away. Silently, DJ pointed to the back of the station behind the counter. The storage room looked nearly completely untouched.

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